black and orange man with black hair illustration
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Paranoid, racist, gun-toting society gone mad. This apt description of parts of America is a frightening fact for the world to consider. White people shooting black kids through their locked front door just for ringing the bell or knocking. White people shooting kids dead in cars for driving onto their property by mistake. This is a population out of control and dangerous to those around them. Guns make people, whatever their whim or momentary state of mind into potential killers. Talk about arrested development, the U.S. is stuck in a violent past, which had its day long ago. Corporate greed manipulating the constitution and the country’s elected representatives is keeping this society locked into a disgusting tableau of death and mass shootings.

man standing while holding hunting rifle

Americans Make The World Turn Away In Disgust

The power of the U.S. dollar is slipping on the economic stage globally. China has been making up ground in leaps and bounds. China is painted as a totalitarian state and there is some truth to this statement. Humanity remains pegged to violence, with a never ending arms race between super powers. America elected an incompetent and morally deficient president in 2016. Trump damaged the reputation of the American nation during his single term in office. The country is still divided over his presidency, which is worrying for American allies the world over.

No Making America Great

Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News was a driving amplifier of the division between Americans red or blue. Fox News have just paid out around a billion dollars for peddling lies about the 2020 election in relation to the Dominion company’s voting machines. America has little or no standards around factuality and truth in the media. Without standards no greatness can be achieved. Making America great again is an empty slogan, as empty as the moral character of Donald J Trump. The waste that goes on in American politics is astounding with those in congress forever fighting campaigns for re-election. No wonder they are largely bought by business and vested interests for a song in billionaire’s terms.

populism in US politics
Brett Sayles at Pexels

The gun lobby keeps their fair share of elected officials to ensure that they keep making and arming American citizens despite the daily massacres and gun deaths across the nation. No tragedy is grim enough, no matter the mass murder of innocent little children and their teachers. The gun lobby says arm the teachers, as if gun-toting teachers will deter a murderous rampage with an AR-15 assault weapon. This deadly gun was designed for the Vietnam war and is now being turned on Americans at home. When will enough Americans find the moral courage to stand up and say enough is enough and ban the supply of guns? Their politicians are despicable and weak individuals inside a flawed and corrupt system.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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