Words for Web When Words Really Mattered
0 3 mins 3 yrs

Have a think back to when you were in a situation when words really mattered. I mean when your words were like life and death to your set of circumstances. The consequences were dire and what you said or communicated by email or text was on a knife’s edge. Can you find that memory? Can you remember the intensity of that moment? Relationships often demand this raw and naked truth. Our relationships with life partners and children can ask of us such unvarnished veracity. These can be times of crisis in the lives of many of us.

He or She Never Listens to Me

A lot of children feel that their parents do not listen to them. Parenting can often be too much of a one way street with parents doing a lot of the talking and laying down the law. A lot of life partners, wives and husbands, can feel over time that their partners have stopped listening to them and are operating on some sort of auto pilot. Intimate relationships can suffer from these kinds of failures to communicate. Words really matter and especially so when there is a deficit of listening to what is being said.

Laconic Has No Place In Love Long Term

The term ‘laconic’ refers to those individuals of few words who prefer to let their actions do the talking. Laconic comes from Lacedaemonia, which was the capital of Sparta in ancient Greece. You know those Spartan warriors who held off huge Persian armies among other things. I suppose men are more generally laconic than women as types. The male brain is not hard wired in the same way, especially when it comes to communicating feelings.  This can make things challenging in intimate relationships over time when the ardour has cooled and not so much effort is being applied to the relationship.

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Words

Men and women can make the mistake of underestimating the importance of what has been said. Individuals can hang onto words, which may have been expressed under duress. These can be the times when words really mattered and were the catalyst for the determining factor. The straw that broke the camel’s back. The final outcome. This is the end my friend. It can be a wake up call for many men, as they watch their partners walk out that door. Too late now, you should have listened when words really mattered.
