Are there any real journalists left in Australia to ask about gun deaths
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I ask this in light of the police shootings in Queensland coverage. Are there any real journalists left in Australia to ask the important questions? Or, has Murdoch gutted the profession so completely we are left with tabloid news screaming, “Love triangle!” in their click bait campaigns. Who is asking about where the guns came from? Automatic weapons in Australia, WTF? Who is asking about their sovereign citizen’s connections?  We have seen a news-fest of stuff about the poor police, as if they are innocent victims, they are not, they are supposed to be the police. They initiated this search for the Train at the centre of this dreadful mass murder.

Are there any real journalists left in Australia - gun deaths police shootings
Photo by Maurício Mascaro:

A Tragedy Took The Life of Two Young Police Officers & A Neighbour

Of course, it is a tragedy that 2 young police officers were murdered but we need some balance in the coverage.

Why were 4 young and inexperienced police officers sent out on a missing person’s enquiry? It seems like a lot of manpower or officer-power for a mere missing person’s enquiry.

The QLD Police are playing the innocent victim card here and they are supposed to be the police. How can we expect them to protect us from domestic right wing terrorism if they have no idea about what is going on? What did they really know? How about some actual unvarnished truth here?

A Failure of Police Intel & Policing

The Commissioner of QLD Police told the media that the officers did a standard check before entering the property and nothing was noticed. Well, that was a failure of policing. Now, we hear that the property had a sophisticated surveillance set up. Why wasn’t that noticed by the officers onsite?

What about the intel into Nathaniel Train and Gavin Train and Stacey Train?

Why did it involve 4 police officers to carry out this missing person’s enquiry at the Train property?

Are there any real journalists left in Australia to ask the important questions? Where are the Australian investigative journalists asking these questions? Are there any left outside of the ABC? What about the guns? This is a violent gun death perpetrated on police? Automatic weapons were involved, as I understand it. Who is asking the important questions? Rather than tabloid obsessions with ‘love triangles’ and such like. Australian journalism is full of kids and their click bait driven producers and editors. Real journalism is very thin on the ground, as can be seen by the standard of reporting during the last federal election. Heaven help us and heaven help democracy.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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