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The world is made of stories and this is how we engage with it. The great trove of myths lies at the heart of who we are. Rational lists of details and events do not move us until they are formed into cogent narratives. Everyone and every group are plying their stories hoping to interest and entangle you within their magical spell. Like a recipe of a favourite dish, it is not until you taste it that you are moved by its wonder. Prior to that it is a mundane list of ingredients printed on a screen or in a book.

An Insatiable Desire for Fresh Content Words for Web
An Insatiable Desire for Fresh Content Words for Web

We Form Our Own Stories

We all form our own stories fairly early on in the piece. It may involve recounted episodes from when we were very young. Motif type narratives developed in tandem with parents and siblings. They say that there is no such thing as non-fiction in literature, as all forms of biography are largely invented and not a true record of events. Some may dispute this but there is no denying our love of good yarns. Stories are moulded and massaged into a desired shape to fit the bill. Certain episodes are remembered and most extraneous detail discarded. These are repeated at family gatherings and to friends to cement the identity narrative.

Marketing Is All About Telling Stories

Marketing is, of course, based on telling a good story that engages the listener or reader. Our religions are, in my opinion, the first great marketers with their tales of divinity and miracles. Saviours and prophets sharing their gospels with disciples and followers. The Ten Commandments must be one of the very first self help tomes, complete with catchy title.

Much of the material in most sacred texts were written by ghost writers long after the events recounted were  supposed to have happened. Every successful cult is driven by someone who picks up the story and proselytises it passionately. Paul in the case of Christianity is the perfect example of this.

The written word remains essential to this day for all of our marketing. Digital marketing is dependent upon text to secure SEO via page ranking on Google  and the other search engines. Good copy continues to sell products and services across the globe.

Images may move people and heighten the impact of the message, but it is text providing the framework of the whole marketing business. Content marketing is dependent upon intelligent copy delivering a utilitarian  purpose for potential customers.

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