Words for Web what’s that all about? Several things actually. Words are what we use, most frequently, to get stuff done in the 21C. The Internet, the world wide web, is basically run via text, which are words, of course. Therefore, words are important in this sphere. You might have heard of something called content marketing? This is the useful kind of marketing strategy where content, which has utility, is put up on sites and social media associated with you or your business. Thus, viewers and visitors searching for how to do stuff get helpful content and they associate that with your online presence.
Online Content Requires Words
Plus, of course, good content attracts traffic, which builds ranking on Google and other search engines. Other sites want to link to your excellent content and the world is a happier place. Content marketing is a great way to improve your SEO and online presence more generally. Words, you see, matter most in this context. Words for web are important for this and a number of reasons really. You want your site to read clearly, perhaps persuasively, and probably economically too. Copywriting is the art of communicating the right words arranged to maybe tug some heart strings.
The Right Words For Websites & Social Media
Emotive content is proven to engender action more often than merely rational and data driven stuff. Heart over head, you know, is the more potent call to action. Here we see the powerful role that images play, but the right words in concert with moving pictures are even more effective. Human beings love to have their passions tweaked. Outrage is proving very popular on social media at the moment. Content designed to shock, cause anxiety, and make us angry is called click bait. Oh mustn’t forget arousal! The appeal to primal elements in the form of tits and bums.
Much of marketing for the last few hundred years has been all about getting a rise out of the male population.
Digital Marketing & Integrity
Words for web is not only about the nuts and bolts of digital marketing. It is, also, about the old fashioned application for words in communicating information and, maybe, even, inspiration. Telling the truth remains a touchstone for me. Yes, I know this is no longer chic these days. Fake news and telling outright lies is the way of our populist demagogues. Deflection, disinformation and downright demonising are the ways of the modern spin doctor. Trump, Putin, and the budding Dutton they all muddy the waters and sew fear wherever possible. Where do you think this is going to take us when you cannot trust the words you hear or read? If your side fishes in these waters you might like to have a think about that and where your support is leading us.