text - An Age Defined Economically
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Supposedly we live in an age defined economically, where the dollar worth of everything matters most. Why then are our politicians and their strategists forever focusing attention upon cultural stuff? The war on woke, the attacks on LGBTQI folk, and the endless anti-elite ethos. Every politician and political party wants to stand with the ordinary voter, apparently. Finger pointing at those categorised as elite reinvokes the old class warfare it seems. We the people vs those individuals too superior to represent our interests. These are all manipulations and part and parcel of the politics of grievance.

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What Anti-Woke Actually Is

Conservatives vs progressives is another way of understanding these cultural fixations within the political sphere. Older white folk and their endearing attachment to ruling the roost over any newcomers. Why should we change anything to make room at the table for these different folk? This is what the war against woke is really about. Laziness and selfishness. So what if the language and all the infrastructure are designed to exclusively look after our needs! We matter most! Diversity is a bridge too far for many. Inclusion is a foreign concept. Neocons mine this grievance emanating from the dominant cohort for all it’s worth at the ballot box. Pandering to dumb selfish people who resent change.

a group of people holding signs and flags

The Politics Of Nostalgia

There never was a golden age when everything was better. This is another manipulation we can call the politics of nostalgia, albeit a false memory of the past – idealised. Older white people who laud their ancestors are prone to this kind of thing. Conservative political parties and politicians like to hold up this distorted mirror as a time machine. Their vision of the nation back then was simpler and good white folk were not bothered by the kind of complicated stuff like diversity we face today. The politics of nostalgia paints a soft focus picture over history, which leaves out the bad bits like people dying of now easily curable diseases and such like. No, things were better back then, my friends! It was our time and it could be again – if you vote for me!

pathway between gazebo and stores surrounded by fogs

In an age defined economically, we remain very concerned with cultural and social issues. These are much more emotive than merely hip pocket concerns. The conservative parties are invariably in bed with big business and the corporate dollar. They marry these disparate interests, the grievances of white folk about change with the rampant hunger for corporate profitability by big business, in a strange farrago. This mix of fact and fiction is designed to assuage their voters, whilst they are being slowly stripped of their wealth by the rentier economy and its endless array of fees, fines and charges. They blame the progressives and the minorities for making life more expensive. Downward envy is all about punching down upon those weaker rather than confronting the real people who are eating your lunch. This is the 21C.

“The American right wing’s widening fight against what it calls “woke capitalism” is partly driven by fossil fuel interests or industry allies, according to a new report published on Thursday.

Conservatives often use the term “woke capitalism” to refer to environmental, social and corporate governance – or ESG – criteria used to screen investments based on their environmental and social implications.”

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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