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The expression feet of clay is meant to indicate the flawed earthly nature of man. Donald J Trump has always been a most unlikely candidate for saviour and champion of any group. White America and Christian Nationalists have got behind the former president as their guy they are hoping to put back in the White House. Trump is facing multiple criminal and civil indictments in courts across the country. Only the most partisan and cultish among his supporters could fail to recognise the writing on the wall when it comes to Trump’s likely fate. It tells us that America’s orange Jesus has clay feet.

President Donald Trump

Trump’s Criminal Indictments Long Overdue

The really reprehensible fact of the matter is that Trump has got away with it for so many years prior to this impending time of judgement. It is a damning assessment of the justice system in America and conveys just how the wealthy and powerful evade their comeuppance. The rule of law seems not to apply to the politically savvy and those with deep pockets. The blatant nature of Trump’s crimes demand not only punishment but solutions for the loop holes within the system. I suspect that a key antecedent in all this is the fact Richard Nixon did not got to jail and was pardoned by Ford instead. Powerful people protecting the system and saving face at the expense of real justice.

American Presidential Election In 2024 Under Orange Cloud

The GOP, the Republican party, has morphed into an extremist organisation with no respect for the rule of law when it applies to them. Politicking has tipped over into insurrection and anarchy among their members and supporters. The Democrats are trying to keep the game called democracy going but their opponents no longer play by any rules. The coming 2024 presidential election has Trump the likely GOP candidate still claiming that his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden was the result of election fraud. The Big Lie has been repeatedly debunked by numerous judicial and private enquiries and investigations. There was no voter or election fraud on the scale claimed by Trump. Indeed, Trump has been indicted on criminal charges of election interference for his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Trump is the pot calling the kettle black.

painting of man

The Agent Orange In America

Perhaps, we should be calling Trump ‘Agent Orange’ rather than any reference to JC because he poisons the very air everywhere he goes.  I don’t know about you but I am heartily sick of reading, talking, and writing about Trump. I sometimes try and imagine the last decade without him on the political scene. This gross champion of the ugly American. The kind of folk who are happy to win at whatever the cost and don’t care who gets hurt in the process. MAGA invokes a return to a time of celebrated white supremacy at the expense of the usual suspects and victims. The constant threats from the hard right extremists. Gun violence everywhere. These folk want to bully their way back into power. The Trump coalition of disaffected non-college educated voters, Christian Nationalists, and big business is illogical at its core. Corporate greed has made the lives of working Americans miserable. Big business has screwed ordinary Americans for years, especially through the neoliberal decades since Reagan. Jobs have gone offshore and the financialization of everything has seen the rentier economy emerge. Private equity firms have turned health into a for profit nightmare for the working poor. Neocons blaming liberals and minorities is a deflection from the actual culprits within the economy. The politics of grievance have the Trump cult members dancing to a dishonest tune. Blaming immigrants, blaming woke, and blaming diversity inclusion measures are all BS distractions from the main game. Americans are so ready to eat up the old anti-socialist line, which has been handed down intergenerationally from fathers to sons and mothers to daughters.

The big myth of the individual American, the lone cowboy making his way across the west on his way to success. It is all complete BS!

man standing near Trump Tower

Dopey working class Americans need to wake up to the reality of what Donald Trump is. A grifter and conman pretending to empathise with their values. A good salesman apes those he is targeting. Billionaires don’t really share the same grievances as the working poor – it’s a sham folks!

America’s orange Jesus has clay feet. Indeed, he soon may well have an orange jumpsuit to go with his fake tan. Trump in prison for the rest of his life – I would like to see that. This may be the last hurrah for the ugly self-entitled American. Watching their hero go down for the count could be the turning point. We can only hope.

“United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain on Tuesday fired back at former President Trump after he called the union leader a “dope” for endorsing President Biden.

Fain doubled down on his support for Biden and drew a stark contrast between Biden’s and Trump’s track records on supporting unions and the working class when asked on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” about Trump’s latest comments.

“It’s a perfect contrast between the two candidates,” Fain said. “I mean, you have, for the first time in history, a sitting U.S. president joining working-class people, joining the workers on the picket line, standing up with them. And you had Donald Trump, who claims he supports the workers, who calls one of his business owner buddies in a non-union factory, and he goes to this non-union factory and has a rally claiming that he’s there for the union workers and the striking workers.”

“It’s what Trump does best. It’s a rope-a-dope,” Fain continued. “He wants you to look over here while over here, he’s taking everything away. I mean, it’s the divide-and-conquer tactic, and that’s what’s worked for the billionaire class and the corporate class forever.” “

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 

man in brown and black jacket holding white plastic bag


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