America has made its bed and now it has to lie in it. A while ago, expert political strategists worked out that voters engage more fully with the democratic electoral system on an emotive level than a mere rational one. Therefore, they made negative attack ads which painted their candidate’s political opponents as demons. These campaign strategists formulated speeches and oped content full of emotive finger pointing about stuff upsetting sections of the electorate. In a culture of complaint they developed the politics of grievance. This has now culminated with presidential candidate Trump, who lights the bonfire of hate every time he opens his mouth to speak.

Political Strategists Have Mined The Politics Of Grievance
As several expert political pundits have said, the Trump GOP voters love all this noise and nasty furore. They no longer find politics boring! Their guy pushes every statement to the edge of decency and well beyond. These folk don’t care about protocol and etiquette. They don’t care about doing or saying the right thing. To them it is a circus worth a few laughs and hardly deserving their respect. America has no standards. Free speech lets everything rip. Guns kill children on a daily basis. So what! The only sort of standard is a dollar figure in a civil court proceeding.

America The Land Of Lies & Disinformation
Alex Jones tells lies to millions of podcast listeners about a massacre of little children at a school being a faked conspiracy. Sandy Hook. Fake news is a way of life in 21C America. Jones was successfully sued by the parents of the murdered children for millions of dollars. Donald Trump goes around telling tens of millions of people that he was robbed of the 2020 presidential election by voter fraud, despite numerous judicial and private enquiries proving otherwise. How can you have a candidate undermining faith in the electoral system with lies being allowed to do so without being prosecuted? It is crazy. America has no standards. Fox News peddled these election fraud lies and were sued successfully for $700 million by the Dominion company. America is full of lies and disinformation.

Attention Deficit Motor Mouth Culture
Americans talk too much. Perhaps this is the consequence of running off at the mouth – nobody believes a word you have said? The truth gets lost in a web of lies. The facts go missing amid the storm of misinformation. Presidents lying – “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Bill Clinton. Richard Nixon was forced to resign from the presidency after telling so many lies about Watergate. Trump has taken the cake and turned presidential lying into the norm rather than the exception. A large section of the American public are so used to lying by their elected officials that they no longer see it as a bad thing. Better an entertaining lying President than a boring one for their attention deficit psyches fed on a diet of mind numbing TV shows.
The Fall Of A Modern Day Rome
“Americans have reached a point where ignorance, especially of anything related to public policy, is an actual virtue,” he would write in the preface to The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Expertise and Why It Matters, which was published by Oxford last year and quickly became a bestseller. “To reject the advice of experts is to assert autonomy, a way for Americans to insulate their increasingly fragile egos from ever being told they’re wrong about anything.” Further down the page, he would add: “I’m worried.”

Navel gazing American pundits have long predicted the fall of their civilisation. The fall of the American empire viewed in Gibbon like Roman terms. I suppose there are modern parallels with the gladiatorial games attending denizens of Rome addicted to a diet of entertainment and free bread. The Trump cult Americans demand ever more piss and wind from their erstwhile President. If these folk feel disparaged by elites at least they can get their revenge and a few laughs along the way as they watch America crumble and burn before their eyes. Perhaps it is a case of – ‘if I’m not getting what I want I’ll make damned sure nobody else is either!’
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.
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