Words for Wen content marketing matters
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At Words for Web we’re dedicated to giving you the very best online content, copy, and information. Content marketing is our area of expertise. We research and deliver exceptional content for your site and social media platforms. Our writers are topline and produce powerful SEO results. Content marketing matters more than ever before!

Good Online Copy is a Must Have in the 21C

We live in a world where words matter. Content marketing is the helping hand for the 21C. The digital revolution has meant that we all expect more in terms of style and content. Everyone has a website for business and/or pleasure. Telling your story is essential to attracting notice in a crowded marketplace. We craft the right words for web for our clients.

Attentions Spans are Stretched

Our lives are chock full of advertisements in all forms of media. Attention spans are stretched to take it all in. Getting the message across is more important than ever before. If you want to optimise your effective communication via the web and social media, we have the expertise to make it happen. Content marketing and SEO are the basic building blocks of the modern age in business promotion. We can help you thrive in a busy space with the right words assembled in the right manner. Content marketing matters are more important now than they have ever been.

The Words for Web service can assist you in breaking down your business model to its essential parts, so that this can be conveyed to your market. Analysing the core elements of what you do will unlock effective content marketing and deliver results. Discovering keyword searches and the best numbers to produce sales and healthy returns on your investment is what we do.

The latest research data shows that we are all becoming more impatient to source the desired information. Everyone is skimming and speed reading online to cut to the chase. That first five seconds of page load time impacts substantially on conversion rates for landing pages. Make sure the nuts and bolts of your website work fast and effectively for best results. Nobody ever won a race by coming second.

Text will always be the foundation of search, which means the descriptive copy around your products and services is of paramount importance. Words matter on the web. Keyword searches are the bread and butter of SEO and organic content marketing. Landing pages have the highest conversion signup rates according to 2021 research data, whilst popups have the second lowest rate of conversion via signup.

SEO delivers around 1000% more traffic than social media, according to 2021 marketing statistical data. Some 49% of responders state that they use Google to find out about new products or services. Since 2019 mobile phones have accounted for around half of all global web traffic. Folks are searching on the go with devices in hand, typing in those keyword searches to find the stuff they are seeking. Content marketing is the only game in town if you are after a sustainable means of growing your business.

All successful salespeople develop an incisive spiel and patter based on their experience in the field. Your website copy is that pitch, which means every word must be true and placed in the correct order. A script is only effective if it is exactly arranged. We are wordsmiths and masters of the Midas touch, when it comes to copy writing. We turn words into gold, spiel into geld. Words for Web will create content for you designed to generate traffic and sales. 
