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The Liberal Party under the leadership of Peter Dutton has moved further right into irrelevance in Australia. This is the party that has played politics over climate change for the last 15 years and bogged Australia into the slow lane on this existential crisis facing humanity. Now, the Liberal Party plays politics with Aboriginal Voice and reconciliation. It is a dreadful shame that our nation cannot move forward on something so important united on the political front. The Coalition parties, Nationals and Liberals, were never going to get on board this momentous recognition of our Indigenous brothers and sisters, as they represent the hard right racist minority within Australia.

people gathering on street during daytime

Peter Dutton & Liberals Play Politics At The Expense Of Our Unified Voice

Peter Dutton has sought to deflect and create confusion over the wording of the question put to the Australian people in the referendum about an Aboriginal voice to parliament. If he and the Liberal Party had a real desire to see a constitutional voice to our federal government by our Indigenous Australians they would have got on board with what has broad support in our national population. The Liberals would rather play politics, despite having had the previous 10 years in government to have done something about this.

Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians
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Coalition In Opposition Throws Away Any Moral Leadership

The Coalition parties could have shown leadership on such an important national shift toward recognition and reconciliation. They could have said, we had a decade in power and were clearly voted out of office on issues like the Voice and climate change, so let us get on board in a spirit of national coming together on a moral question. Aboriginal people have been disenfranchised over centuries from empowerment and the economic wealth of the nation. They suffer from neglect and injustice on virtually every determinant of health, wealth and wellbeing within Australia.

people standing on street during daytime

The Voice is about giving Indigenous Australians a say over their own futures and pathways. It is not going to threaten the decision making process at its core, rather it is going to enhance its effectiveness when it comes to designing and enacting the policies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. It will ultimately improve things because local Aboriginal people will have a voice about what happens for their people in their towns and regions. Australia needs to stop looking for problems and open up to sharing some modicum of power for our Indigenous Australians in regard to their own fates.

The Liberal Party would rather play politics than put their shoulder to the wheel moving forward to a better and more united Australia. Liberal Party plays politics with Aboriginal Voice and reconciliation to dance with the hard right, racist minority within Australia.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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