astronaut standing on gray sand
0 3 mins 2 yrs

The space agency NASA has fallen through the glass floor by announcing a team of socially disadvantaged astronauts to fly to the moon. In this brave bid to buck the decades of elitist expeditionary forces sent into outer space – NASA names first homeless astronaut to orbit moon. Diversity and social inclusion have come to the fore in the selection of these intrepid planetary trekkers. The theme of this team is outliers living the dream. More women, more people of colour, more neurodiversity, more people of all abilities, and from a much wider social circle. Frank Sinatra sang, Fly Me to the Moon, and he, although being blue eyed and white, was not of Anglo origin.

gray spacecraft taking off during daytime

Launching NASA Diversity Program

Putting pluralism up there around the moon is this year’s NASA initiative. No more jobs for the boys and no more products of elitist schools and institutions at the expense of representation of the broader community. The buck stops here in this tin can strapped to this bloody big rocket. NASA welcomes our first intersex astronaut and member of the LGBTQI+ community. In addition, we welcome our first disabled astronaut to the moon shot crew in 2023.

Rocket Man, Major Tom, & Homeless Harry

Say hi to Harry of no fixed address. Harry has been living rough on the streets of Detroit for the last few years. We found him sleeping under the pylon of a bridge but felt that nothing should prevent people like Harry from flying to the moon. Meet Mahalia who is joining the moon shot space team for the first time after topping our online competition – tell us in 50 words why you should go to the moon. NASA wants the world to sit up and notice that space travel is not just for the rich, white, and well connected.

full moon and gray clouds during nighttime

These fine folk from, in some instances, socially disadvantaged circumstances, have all undergone a rigorous training program to bring them up to speed in preparation for space travel. Nothing has been spared and no stone unturned in our efforts to equip these brave souls with everything they may require. The moon is a long way above our planet earth. Although accustomed to homelessness Harry will find this terrain a new challenge. NASA is confident that this diverse team of astronauts will employ its diversity as an advantage in meeting the challenges of space travel. Nah-noo nah-noo u, live long and prosper.
