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Peter Dutton and the Coalition have been whipping up fear among Australians. Racist Coalition weaponizing immigration by accusing the government of releasing dangerous detainees into the community. It was in actual fact the High Court of Australia that ordered these men who had served their sentences must be released. The frenzy over their release into the community has culminated with Victoria Police wrongly arresting one of the released detainees for sex crimes. Mistaken identity or just white folk paranoia pointing the finger at any Arab looking character?

Dog whistling Dutton does not care what damage he causes to people’s lives. Politics is everything to the very rich landlord Dutton and his party of shrill acolytes.

building with refugees welcome signage

Dutton Has Been Crying Wolf About The Boats Again

Refugees coming to Australia illegally by boat have been winners for the nasty Tony Abbott and a succession of LNP leaders since John Howard. Peter Dutton is hoping that he can resurrect the xenophobia so beloved of his predecessors. Racist Coalition weaponizing immigration issues is a vote winner in times gone by. Whether Australia has cottoned onto the political chicanery by now, we will have to wait and see. The LNP strategists would be looking to Trump in the US for ideas and inspiration, as little old Australia always does.

“Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has attacked Labor’s immigration record, claiming 105,000 asylum seekers have entered Australia since Anthony Albanese’s government was elected.

This is false. The 105,000 figure relates to the number of asylum seekers in Australia at the end of August 2023. Most were already in the country at the time of the May 2022 federal election.

The majority of asylum seekers currently residing in Australia arrived during the 2013-2022 coalition government.

Peter Dutton
the fear monger!

Peter Dutton The Putin Of Oz

I think, also, that Peter Dutton sees himself as the Putin of Oz, the strongman of Australian politics. Dutton is never afraid to go the low blow in terms of attacking the vulnerable if there are political points to be scored. It is rumoured that Dutton is worth some $300 million from property development and land lording. Wealth  makes many people feel inviolable and above reproach – the billionaire syndrome. No wonder he is always championing the propertied classes and the big end of town over ordinary working Australians.

grayscale photo of building

Murdoch’s News Corp Cheering For Dutton & Xenophobic Politics

Murdoch and News Corp are pumping up every news story with as much polarization appeal as possible. They have led the way with their Fox News in America with blatantly one sided reporting helping divide that country to extreme violence. Rupert has said that he is not red or blue but green, as in greenbacks. That is the kind of man he is and thank God he is no longer an Australian. His newspapers and Sky News Australia are, of course, rabidly right wing and pro-Coalition. Objective reporting died and left the room decades ago at News Corp. They are cheer leaders for extreme reactionary conservatives.

Thankfully, younger Australians don’t read newspapers or tune into Rupert’s cable TV offerings. A future without the vituperative BS from Murdoch’s editorial team would be a real blessing.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 


Racist Coalition Weaponizing Immigration with Murdoch's support

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