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SCOTUS has virtually guaranteed that Donald Trump will not be tried for election subversion prior to the Presidential election of 2024. US Supreme Court slow walks Trump immunity claim appeal and stay from prosecution. By deciding to take the case it has undermined the unanimous denial of Trump’s claims by the federal court of appeals. The stacking of SCOTUS with conservative GOP aligned justices by Trump is obviously paying benefits. The legal rule of law was really the last hope for America in holding Donald Trump accountable for attempts to subvert the Constitution in 2020. The US is now an international disgrace and no longer can be considered a leading democratic nation.

“The Supreme Court on Wednesday agreed to decide whether former President Donald Trump can be tried on criminal charges that he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election. In a one-page unsigned order, the justices ordered a federal appeals court to continue to keep on hold its ruling rejecting Trump’s claims of immunity from prosecution, and they fast-tracked the case for oral argument in late April.”

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Democracy On Death Row Thanks To SCOTUS & Trump

It is a sad day for democratic Americans who believe in the rule of law. Wealth and influence have gazumped both the institutions of democracy and justice in the United States of America. A virtual mob boss and former President has grifted and grafted his way to another contest for the highest office in the land. Even though Trump says  the Presidency isn’t an officer of the nation and that any election he doesn’t win is rigged and the result of voter fraud. American democracy is a laughing stock because how can you have a candidate running who shows no respect for the electoral process! Corruption, bullying, and undue influence is so completely prevalent within the Republican Party that it is a one man show. There are no people of integrity or courage anywhere within the GOP. Russian subversion is an everyday occurrence within the Republican Party in this day and age. They have no shame and no real comprehension of how much they have lost the plot.

SCOTUS Delays & Slow Walking Trump Cases

It is patently obvious that former President Trump does not have complete immunity from prosecution for things like subverting the electoral process or murdering opponents. The federal court of appeals ruled unanimously against his appeals on this basis. SCOTUS could have refused to take the case and refused to grant a stay from the ongoing prosecution. That they have chosen to hear the case is all about delaying the trial. The American people deserve to know if the man standing for the Presidency is guilty of these indictments and only a fair trial would have decided this. Now, they will have to go to the polls without clarification on this crucial question.

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Clarence & Ginny Thomas & Their Billionaire’s Big Money Influence

Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginny was involved in the Trump camp crimes and yet there is no evidence that Clarence Thomas has recused himself. Exposes have revealed billionaire Harlan Crow showering gifts and money on Clarence Thomas over many years. SCOTUS justices have little to no compunction to behave ethically by law in the US. It is another lack of oversight within the system. In America, if you reach the top you get to do whatever you want, it seems. Hard and fast laws are only for the little people, the poor, and the ordinary schmucks. Billionaires and their circle of friends are immune from prosecution in the US, by the evidence we are now witnessing. This is a republic of elites and oligarchs who sail above the illusion of democratic norms. Democracy is for suckers, according to Trump.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 


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