Is Dominic Perrottet a Nazi?
0 4 mins 2 yrs

Is Dominic Perrottet a Nazi? Even asking this question a few weeks ago would have seemed absurd of the NSW Premier, but who knew. I mean who in their right mind would dress up as a Nazi for their 21st birthday? The rites of passage for a callow youth? A serious young man like the Premier should have known better, indeed, would have known better. Is the obvious truth staring us in the face? Is the best place to hide in plain sight? I have written about the rising tide of fascism around the globe.

The Rise Of  Fascism Right Now

Trumpism in America and his far right henchmen attempting a coup on the Capital on January 6th  were front and centre very recently. The election of very right wing parties in Italy, Hungary, and Poland are another reminder. The populist appeal of hardline anti-immigration policies are increasing across the board. Fascism is alive and well in Russia and many Slavic states like Serbia, Belarus, and its influence is growing in the region. Ukraine itself has plenty of far right leaning denizens but right now they are busy fighting Putin’s army. Australia saw its share of Nazis during the anti-vaxxer protest marches on the streets of Melbourne and Sydney.

Putin - billionaires and oligarchs
Putin’s regime is fascist

Is Premier Perrottet a Nazi Sympathiser?

Does the Premier of NSW harbour secret sympathies for the hard line policies of the Nazi state. Does Dominic Perrottet see a national socialist style economic recovery for NSW? Is the way forward, out of the hyper-inflationary hole Australia currently sits in, a goosestepping leap to the right. It is hard to fathom how a politically inclined young man could make such an insultingly sickening mistake. Everybody knows that reputation is everything in politics and that the media have elephant like memories. They were keeping records even back then. Cameras had long been invented and were in popular usage.

Pictorial records of such a shocking display of bad taste and insensitivity to  the holocaust would be odds on.

The mass murder of 6 million Jews is not something to take lightly even in a cultural backwater like Australia. Did the youthful Dominic have a penchant for Hugo Boss in black and all those shiny buttons? Does it suggest a deeper affiliation with the look and feel of fascism? Does the Premier, perhaps, admire the life and times of Adolf Hitler?

Did he read Mein Kampf at night with a torch under the bed clothes? These are difficult things to even contemplate but his actions must be investigated to find out the truth.

Will more dark secrets be revealed. Stay tuned for further enquiry into the fitness of Dominic Perrottet to hold the highest office in NSW. Is Dominic Perrottet a Nazi?
