police shootings in Queensland
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The Queensland police declare Trains’ domestic Christian terrorists following an investigation into their murderous shooting in Wieambilla. Stacey Train and Nathaniel Train were school principals until recently and their conversion to mass murderers could not have happened overnight. This highlights the dangers of religious belief and how extremism is only an unknown distance away. If you believe in invisible supernatural entities then the sky is the limit when it comes to making up your own rules on planet earth. The thing about religion is that ultimately its adherents do not recognise governments over their gods.

Queensland police declare Trains’ domestic Christian terrorists

Far Right Christian Domestic Terrorism In Queensland

The far right Christianity, so prevalent in the United States, is particularly dangerous because it clothes itself in this muscular American guise. White, male, Americans believe in a blue eyed Jesus, having remade the son of God in their own image. These righteous folk are on the edge of armed insurrection, as we saw during the January 6th, 2021, attempted coup where they stormed the Capital carrying their Jesus signs and guns.  The Trains’, Gavin, Nathaniel and Stacey would have been influenced by the goings on over in America, I would say. The pandemic, lockdowns, Trump, and their hardline fundamentalist Christianity would have all contributed to taking them over the edge into extremist madness.

dreadful police shooting in Queensland

Guns & Christian Terrorists A Murderous Match

Guns, of course, armed them with the capability of becoming mass murderers. It is the possession of automatic weapons which elevates crazies into killers on this scale. Australia has become slack about policing our strict gun laws. This cost the lives of two very young police officers and a good neighbour, Alan Dare. Possession of illegal weapons must be cracked down on and the penalties must be made much more severe. There is always infiltration of our political system by the gun lobby and their American friends. Right wing political parties in Australia are involved with their American counterparts.

The Trains’ illegally stockpiled ammunition in the lead up to their planned murderous strike on police. None of the three Trains had a current gun licence, which is required to buy ammunition. Nathaniel Train’s gun licence had been suspended. However, the Queensland system provides no electronic means to check the validity of gun licences by dealers. This situation which has been going on for 20 years clearly shows what a joke the Queensland commitment to policing guns in the state really is. This neglect and glaring oversight by government contributed to the loss of the lives of two young police officers. Domestic terrorism by far right Christian terrorists is here and the backward Queensland government better get its security policies in order in a hurry.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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