Fantasist George Santos Elected To Congress
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Trump has spawned the fantasist George Santos elected to congress in the US. Congressman elect George Santos of the New York district has lied about who is on his official CV. Santos claimed to have worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and this is a lie. George Santos put down on his resume that he received a degree from Baruch College and this is a bald faced untruth too. He put down stuff about running an animal rescue charity of which there is no record. Santos claimed to be Ukrainian and Jewish – both of which are further fabrications.

the fantasist George Santos elected to congress
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto:

Congressman Elect & Liar George Santos

The man is a complete fantasist it seems, with little contact to anything bearing actual fact or truth. How can someone create a fake persona and get elected to congress on the basis of this and get away with it? I thought that being elected to high office was supposed to reflect an individual deserving of respect and worthy status. Obviously, I was way off the mark.

Since Donald Trump held the highest office in the land in America, anything goes it seems.

Identity Fraud By George Santos on New York District in Congressional Election

Santos has strategically selected identity markers designed to appeal to voters in the New York district. Jewish? Tick! Ukrainian? Tick! Successful merchant banker? Tick! College educated? Tick! Animal rescue charity? Tick!

This is identity fraud in reality and not embellishment, as he has claimed. This fantasist son of Trump has picked every trendy interest group marker and claimed it as his own to bolster his electability.

George Santos was successful in this identity fraud and got himself elected to the United States Congress.

fantasist George Santos elected to congress

Trump Candidate Phony Full Of Lies

What strikes me so profoundly about the current situation with Santos and with Trump is that in America you can get away with almost anything if elected to office. Presidents can pardon any offenders they like, so that crooks can break the law on their behalf and subsequently be pardoned. We have already seen this with the various pardons provided by Donald Trump.

“In his final hours as president, Donald J. Trump doled out pardons and commutations to dozens of people, including supporters, political figures, rappers and defendants in high-profile criminal cases.

Mr. Trump named most of the recipients on a list released by the White House early Wednesday that included 73 pardons and 70 commutations. But the 11th-hour orders continued to make news until almost midday, when President Biden took the oath of office.

The announcements came nearly a month after Mr. Trump pardoned, among others, Charles Kushner, the father of his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner; Paul Manafort, his 2016 campaign chairman; and Roger J. Stone Jr., his longtime informal adviser and friend whose sentence the president had commuted in July.”

The US is a joke, really, when it comes to concepts of law and order. Americans can no longer sit on that high horse in regard to truth, justice, and the American way. Trump has soiled the highest office in the land forever more. However, it is not just Trump, the corruption and different judicial outcomes for the wealthy and well placed have always been there. The fantasist George Santos elected to congress by means of lies and deception is further proof of a failing democracy in America.

Trump has spawned the fantasist George Santos elected to congress in the US.
Photo by KEVIN MACH:

The fact that George Santos or any congressman or congresswoman cannot be removed from political office by any other means than a vote from his congressional peers, even, if he is successfully convicted of a felony is extraordinary. Of course, the voters can remove him next election but the law of the land cannot. Politicians are above the laws of the land according to how things are set up in the US. No wonder there are so many ratbags seeking to win high office for the GOP in the current Trumpian climate. Santos lies to the voters about who he is and they elect him on the basis of his identity fraud – the GOP being desperate to hold onto every seat in the House for their majority will not take action to have him removed. One more liar and cheat sits in the House on the Hill looking down on the American people.

“The representative-elect is also an ardent Trump supporter — so much so that he was at Trump’s Ellipse rally on January 6, 2021, and has repeatedly falsely claimed that the former president won the 2020 election.

Also, for all his alleged lying about his résumé, it is clear that one company Santos worked at, Harbor City Capital, has been accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission of being a Ponzi scheme. As for Santos’s other employment, he did spend a stintas a Portuguese language customer service agent for DISH Network a decade ago.”

  • (Ben Jacobs, Vox, 2022)
