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It’s the old story, Leader of the Opposition banging war drums at home and criticising the PM for going out and doing things in the world. When he should be at home mud wrestling with Dutton. Hamas initiated war with Israel and that is Albo’s fault. According to Dutton, Albo should be touring Israel, just like Scomo, instead of wasting his time repairing the China relationship – our major trading partner and the economic elephant in the room. The Libs want to bang the war drums with China and blame the red menace for everything under the bed. Dutton sees himself as a mini Trump, voicing loud opinions on everything.

Peter Dutton

Dutton Dishing Dirt In Every Direction

The right wing conservatives are pumped up after their win in mobilising distrust and racism to defeat the Voice. Their strategists look to the US for their inspiration. Extreme behaviour is on display in the US political theatre. There are macho displays of posturing for fisticuffs in the senate between the GOP and a teamster union leader. Kevin McCarthy is elbowing fellow congressmen in the kidneys. Is all this physicality brewing because their leaders are doddering old men? Do Americans crave some vigorous walloping instead of all the tremoring they have been forced to observe?

words are the weapons of choice in realpolitik

Too Busy To Get Down With Dutton

Will we see Peter Dutton threaten to go toe to toe with ‘pretty boy’ Albanese in the chamber? 

Albo in the red trunks and ‘the skull’ in blue. Perhaps, the official Chinese introduction, directed at Anthony Albanese, was due to the fact that the American leaders are all so ancient and withered in contrast to the relatively youthful Albo. Xi Jinping may well prefer fresh meat when it comes his dietary requirements. Albo has been hula dancing in the South Pacific and dining at the White House. This globe trotting Aussie is too busy to get down and dirty with Dutton.

man in blue shorts standing beside man in black shorts
map of Australia

Banging On About Bad News At Home

Politics is a game, an illusory display of chicanery covered by the media. They call it the Albanese government in a bid to create the impression that Albo has to run the country on his own. Never mind that there is a cabinet full of able ministers and scores of public servants. No, the PM must micro-manage every single issue in the minds of the voters. Wasn’t that the problem with Kevin Rudd? The Leader of the Opposition must complain loudly enough in the news about an errant and irresponsible PM – who should be chained to Australia for the duration.

Imagine wasting valuable time fixing the China situation, fixing the South Pacific, and actually trying to fix the AUKUS mess left by the Coalition.

No, Peter wants Albo to wrestle in the mud with him over perceived antisemitism. Banging on about bad news at home is the preserve of the Leader of the Opposition. And don’t mention anything about apologising for Robodebt.

“Dutton used the occasion to detail a rap sheet of Labor failures. “The wheels are falling off the Albanese government,” he declared. The list included deteriorating cost of living, a rise in anti-Semitism, and the mass release of “hardened criminals” from immigration detention.

Collectively, the list played to the hip-pocket pain and security fears the Coalition believes many Australians are feeling. For good measure, Dutton also called on the prime minister to cancel his trip to the APEC summit in San Francisco.”

Fear Mongering Is His M.O.

The mass release of hardened criminals – it sounds like a Hollywood movie scene – Escape From Alcatraz or something. When you consider that an Australian woman is murdered by her partner or former partner every week in Australia, I don’t think that 26 million Aussies have a great deal more to worry about on this score. We have plenty to do to fix our own male violence toward women. But it is all about political point scoring for our Pete!

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 


the voice of fear mongering