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Reader Survey
Words For Web Reader Survey
We at Words For Web ask you to take some time to participate in our reader’s survey. This information will be used to inspire content on the site via data provided by you and all of our readers. Your input will be metadata and participant’s identities will remain strictly confidential. No associated information that you provide will be used for marketing or on-sold to any third parties. The buck stops here.

1. What is your age range?

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3. Where do you currently reside? (city, state, country)

4. What is your highest level of education completed?

5. What is your current employment status?

6. What type of content do you enjoy reading the most on this site?

7. How often do you visit this site?

8. Have you shared any articles or posts from this site with your friends or on social media?

9. Which topics would you like to see more coverage of on this site?

10. Do you prefer short-form or long-form content?

11. Have you found any articles or posts on this site particularly informative or inspiring?

12. What are your passions and interests?

13. What do you hope to achieve in the next five years?

14. What are your biggest concerns for the future?

15. Have you learned about any new ideas or concepts from this site that you didn't know about before?

16. How likely are you to recommend this site to others?

17. What type of content would you like to see less of on this site?

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19. How did you first come across this site?

20. What improvements would you suggest for this site to better serve your needs?

Thank you for taking the time to contribute your valuable thoughts and ideas to the WordsForWeb Reader Survey.


person holding silver iPhone 6 - Reader Survey
getting the right words for your website

About Post Author


Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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