It seemingly began with groups of Christians claiming that they were under attack from a progressive liberal America. They wanted the right to discriminate against individuals on the basis of their sexual preference. All these human rights coming into law, often at the behest of the United Nations and their treaties, were, apparently, threatening the basis of fundamental religious instruction in schools and churches. Now, we are seeing the Christian march to power in America. They have their immoral leader Donald J Trump promising them a new land with authoritarian laws amended to fit their way of life.

The American Invention Of A Blue Eyed Jesus
America has never been and was never intended to be a theocracy. All those God fearing folk who flooded the new world, many of them slavers, who were happy to see the Negros work their land under the lash, did not form the majority opinion. Christianity is an invention, of course, for white America Jesus is depicted with blue eyes and pale skin. All those famous paintings of the bible stories commissioned by the European church illustrated them in white skinned terms. The Semitic truth was long lost; and the new settlers embraced their saviour along racial lines.

The Cross & The Gun Overcoming Savage Unbelievers
The Christian Nationalists, many of them Evangelicals, are more at home with Old Testament Christianity. Fierce prophets and righteous warriors slaying Philistines and other bad guys often depicted with darker skins. America to them is colonial settlers fighting for their new home against the Indians. Christians were told by their leaders that they had the God given right to take the land of the savages – who were non-believers in their eyes. The gun gave them the means to kill all those who resisted their establishment of the promised land.

The New Crusade To Retake America
Now, there is a new battle underway with the proliferation of sinners encroaching upon the righteous in their promised land. A white America has been tainted by too much immigration poisoning the blood of the nation. Those previously on the fringes of society, the coloured, the afflicted, and the damned are making too much noise about their rights in a modern America. It is time to rise up and retake the promised land. The Christian march to power has begun and it leads to Washington. Trump is their loud mouthed, white supremacist bulwark. He is the man who makes it alright to speak the truth. The truth being misogynist, racist, and non-woke in all its profane glory. Trump is in the vanguard for a return to family values. Those family values include the belittling of women, the sexual abuse of children, and all those things that have always gone on in families.
Christians Want To End American Sexual Freedom
Christians in this camp want to see an end to the sexual freedoms of Americans. They have already, through SCOTUS and the stacking of the bench with conservative Christian justices, begun to take away the individual rights of women. Their reproductive rights have been returned to the state and the concerns of powerful men. IVF in Alabama, that beacon of civil rights in the south, has come under the wrathful glare of God fearing men on their Supreme Court. Marriage equality will be next, as the Christians put the sword to gay rights and the LGBTQIA community. Contraception and access to it will be their righteous weapon in cutting down promiscuity and sexual freedoms for Americans.

The View Of Trump America 2.0
Theocracies are invariably accompanied by corruption, as those in power seek to benefit materially from their exalted status. Authoritarianism loves cronyism and nepotism. A Trump presidency will see his family and friends, and those in thrall to his fiefdom, filling the seats at the big table. Trump supporters will be hoping that he will endower their Christmas stockings with plenty of goodies. Many of them, however, will be disappointed, as pleasing everybody has never been the Trump way. The slashing of the public service and the dismantling of institutions like the FBI and DOJ will see a renaissance of criminality and organised crime in the USA. Trump respects power, like Putin in Russia, and mob bosses and their foot soldiers will flourish. Much more state sponsored violence will make its way onto the streets of American cities. Imagine Jaredd Kushner as Secretary of State. Stephen Miller running Homeland Security. The blood chills.
“The new House speaker, Mike Johnson, knows how he will rule: according to his Bible. When asked on Fox News how he would make public policy, he replied: “Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.” But it’s taking time for the full significance of that statement to sink in. Johnson is in fact a believer in scriptural originalism, the view that the Bible is the truth and the sole legitimate source for public policy.”
- (Marci A Hamilton, The Guardian, Nov 2023)

Conclusions & Considerations
Will this new Christian crusade in America turn out to be overreach and start a big backlash against Christian Nationalism? The Christian march to power in America could see the demise of this unscientific belief system. Especially if it begins to mess with people’s freedoms. Believing in Bronze Age stuff about almighty God and his concern with what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom may start to rankle more Americans if they wield more secular power. The taint of Trump and his cronies may eventually stain more than a few altar cloths. Fundamentally this comes down to how and whether, we as humanity can become more inclusive and accept diversity within our populations. The Trump GOP campaign is predicated on reactionary forces and the politics of grievance. Americans are accustomed to blaming others for their discontent. Politicians have led them by their nose to finger point blame at those who appear to be different. Those same politicians represent big business, which is ripping off ordinary Americans. Most of America is heavily segregated in terms of where they live and where their children go to school. This makes it much easier to demonise ‘the other’ as cause of all your problems. The Republican Party has been mining identity politics, cultural issues, and the anti-woke backlash for years. Fox News is their amplifier in the right wing echo chamber.
Robert Sudha Hamilton