There have been a number of disturbing incidents recently, which highlight the demise of our national broadcaster’s once fearless presence. The ABC has lost its independent voice. These include ABC presenters parroting editorial positions from the Murdoch press. In several of these cases the facts at the heart of the matter were not only borrowed but wrong. In what universe do we want the ABC quoting the editorial right wing bias of The Australian when questioning interviewees. Michael Rowland was guilty of this when putting questions to the PM Anthony Albanese about health funds.
ABC Sans Drum Loses Its Way In News & Current Affairs
The decision to kill The Drum, the only progressive, youth orientated current affairs program seen in Australia, was a worrying sign. Where is the replacement program for this audience? The ABC has become a light weight, entertainment/weather channel for middle of the road audiences. No more challenging material and little courageous content, apart from the odd episode of Four Corners. 20 years of relentless attacks and budgetary pruning by the Coalition have rendered the broadcaster pissweak, in the Australian vernacular. Reactionary conservatives have had their way with the once fearless news and current affairs department at the ABC.
ABC Political Anchors Very Vanilla
Greg Jennet, David Speers, and Matthew Doran are the vanguard of political reporting at the ABC right now. Lite, white, and to the right, in my estimation. Anchoring shows with this vanilla all the time speaks to the retrograde happenings at the national broadcaster under the current management. These chaps follow the News Corp line, as if they are working for Rupert in actual fact. There seems to be an editorial policy which reminds on air presenters that their audience is conservative and centre right. Politics over policy is the company line.
The ABC has lost its edge when it comes to reporting in the news and current affairs sphere. Its presenters are having to quote reports in the Murdoch press. Many of its own journalists are very young and wet behind the ears – so that they can pay them the minimum rate, I suspect. What was once a great institution and had a fearless news and current affairs team is now second rate. It is time to oust the current management and revitalise things at Auntie. It is never too late to begin again. What about a replacement show for The Drum? Where can the many progressive viewers now go to find something for them? All these voices and perspectives from Indigenous Australia, women, disability, the alternative scene, LGBTQI+ and more have lost their place where they could be heard and seen on the national stage. It is a crying shame. Shame on you ABC management.