Knowledge is Power. Beat Sticky Inflation, Recession & High Interest Rates. Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom is the new book by Robert Sudha Hamilton. In this collection of his articles on the Australian economy readers can take an investigative journey into the local and global issues facing us all in the current clime. The twenty-first century Western economy is built on the foundation of credit and debt. Credit and debt are intertwined and play a critical role in the functioning of modern economies. Money matters more now than ever before and things happen at breakneck speed in our modern digitised economies.
Money, Credit, Debt & Navigating Your Financial Freedom
This book is a collection of pieces written on specific aspects of our economy and community, especially as it pertains to credit and debt. The data and information quoted in this book is correct and true, as of the date of composition. We live in an age of credit, where our personal economies and the economies of our nations are deeply dependent upon credit. Getting to grips with the ramifications of debt and credit in the wider context of our financial sector is paramount if you want to maintain your financial freedom and lessen the pain of the ups and downs inherent within the capitalist cyclical system. Knowledge is power.
How the Economy Treats Different People Differently
Money is a universal matter and as such affects all of us. Money, credit, and debt impacts upon women in particular ways and there has been long standing issues around injustice, disempowerment, and negative bias perpetuated upon women in our societies. Similarly, Indigenous Australians have been short changed, by those in power holding the purse strings, when it comes to their financial treatment. The LGBTQI+ community have suffered via the cultural prejudices of those working in the banking and finance sector. Typically, over the journey, the banking sector has been populated by the dominant white, male cohort. This has seen many minorities marginalised by the money men among us. Disabled members of the Australian community have been shunned economically. Migrants and refugees, each in their own way, have borne the brunt of neglect by those running and working in our financial institutions. Money impacts upon all Australians in many different ways. Money matters.
Knowledge Is Power
Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom will help all those who read it to get a better grip on the financial world they live and work in. Understanding the rules of the consumer credit system and the laws governing it will empower you to make better decisions and deliver more lucrative outcomes. Money matters in our Western economies more than ever before and knowing the rules of the game ensures a better hand going forward. Increased CPI and high inflation means our money cannot buy as much. Inflation is usually accompanied by rising interest rates, which means borrowing money becomes more expensive and harder to source. Central banks vigorously go after inflation with the brute force of monetary policy. This ultimately causes an economic recession in most cases. Resulting in people losing working hours and sometimes their jobs. Not comprehending the workings of the capitalist economy or wilfully ignoring it comes at a cost. Read all about it! Pay attention and you will benefit. Knowledge is power.