Revisiting the National Broadband Network (NBN) tells us a lot about how politics undermine government in Australia. The NBN debacle is a perfect example of Coalition ineptitude. A constant theme in federal politics in Australia is the LNP Coalition appealing to short term populist positions within the electorate. Most prominent is on anything to do with climate change, as head in the sand business as usual attitudes prevail. Wind power turbines affecting the views of property owners is one example, as the LNP rallies around these disgruntled voters. The idea that technology will save us from global warming without any behavioural changes is very popular among right wing voters.
NBN Fibre To Home Ditched By Coalition Government
In the case of the NBN the backward looking policy of the LNP was to economise by ditching fibre to the home in favour of copper from node to homes. It was said at the time that this would end up costing the nation far more and this has proved to be true. Labor has had to come in and redo the ineptitude of the Coalition in government. No wonder these folk want to privatise everything because they stuff most things up. The populist position of the Coalition is about appealing to electorate comfort zones rather than having the courage to lead.
Putting off important stuff like a national energy policy for a decade was a disgrace as well.

We Need A 21C Progressive Federal Government
We need a progressive government in Australia to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. We do not need a posturing ‘do nothing’ pantomime actor like Peter Dutton at the helm. The world is a much more complex place in the 21C and we need legislation fit for purpose. Only a progressive mindset can deal with the scamming Tsu Nami besetting the Australian population. We cannot have a government in bed with the corporations who continue to avoid any responsibility for their involvement in the current state of affairs. The banks, the telecommunication companies and the failures of the ACCC and ASIC over many years.
Ten years of Coalition governments preceded the Albanese first term in federal government. We are where they put us.
Coalition Government Ineptitude & Betrayals
We do not need a chest thumping parody of government endlessly pointing fingers and accusing the Chinese of everything under the sun. We have only just got the trade sanctions largely lifted thanks to Labor. The neoliberal guide to governing is to palm it off to mates in the private sector, where they make tens of millions in fees. PwC and the other consultancy firms did the work of the public service for billions of tax payer dollars. No transparency and it cost us all via the tax scandal betrayal and the billions lost to multinationals schooled in how to minimise their tax.
Robodebt was another betrayal of half a million ordinary Australians and this underwent reviews by PwC. This ended up costing tax payers $1.8 billion in a settled class action against the government.

Chest Thumping Dutton & His Alarmist Rhetoric
Do not get sucked into the political pantomime folks. Where posturing politicians, usually blokes, in their pressed suits pretend to be passionate about faux issues. Rattling cages with alarmist rhetoric about anti-Zionism dressed up by the Right as antisemitism. The same people who normally disparage Jews are championing them because they despise Arabs more. The LNP and News Corp appeals to the ignorance of many downunder in a bid to strike gold in the form of emotive issues. The name of the game is to get you riled up over something, so that they can ride on your coat tails, hopefully, into government. Short memory my fellow, will only put Australia into reverse gear once again. The NBN debacle is a perfect example of Coalition ineptitude. Fast broadband for everyone, including regional Australia, was promised back in 2009 by an ALP federal government. It was waylaid by the Coalition under Tony Abbott and then Malcolm Turnbull.
“The Rudd Government announced in April 2009 it would establish a new company that would invest up to $43 billion over eight years to build and operate a National Broadband Network delivering superfast broadband to Australian homes and workplaces.”
16 years later many are still waiting for the promises to be realised thanks to the politicking. So many important policy initiatives have been delayed and destroyed by the senseless politics played out in Australia by those seeking power. It is essentially about those few who desire power fighting over it that f**** things up.
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom.