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Does Australia really want to get closer to a nation, like America, that cannot stop its own citizens from the mass slaughter of each other? What kind of country arms its civilians with assault rifles and watches the slaughter of Innocent children without doing anything? A mass murder happens every week in the US. Australia should put America on probation as an ally. This is a country that voted for someone like Donald Trump to become president. Around 61% of voting age Americans cast a vote in the last federal election and 7 million less than half of them voted for Trump. That is an awful lot of really bad people.

Australia should put America on probation - person standing on stage
Oh yeah, they shot him dead too.

Trump’s America Should Be No Ally of Australia

I think Australia has to ask itself who actually are the ‘good folk’ when it comes to having allies. If the USA can elect a known liar and cheat to the office of president it is a real indication of the kind of people calling themselves Americans. The fact that even after inciting a coup where Trump supporters illegally invaded the Capital and where police died defending it, Trump has still not been charged, arrested, or prosecuted over it, shows the rest of the world what passes for justice there. Trump has allegedly broken so many laws and still has not faced charges by the DOJ. The rich and powerful seemingly make their own rules in America.

President Donald Trump

Keeping America At Arm’s Length

Australia should keep America at arm’s length for as long as possible. We should seriously rethink this submarine commitment. The whole fear of China is an American beat up. The US cannot stand the loss of its hegemony on the world stage. The truth is China is a very different civilisation to that of ours in the West. China has never been democratic. It once was the most powerful empire in the world for a very long time. Much longer than the American, British, and European empires we are more familiar with. White skinned Anglos and Europeans are very suspicious of the Chinese, they always have been. This racism is far older than cold war inspired ill feeling about communism. Although the Taiwan situation was born out of this.

gray battleship on body of water during daytime

Most Australians would not even know how Taiwan came about. Beating the drums of war about going in to save Taiwan is pretty stupid if you don’t even know the history behind it. Taiwan was formed by the fleeing Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek in 1949-50 after their defeat by the Communists led by Mao Tse-tung. Taiwan owes its survival to the Korean War 1950-53 and the cold war aftermath of that military stalemate encounter between the US and China. Taiwan is the thorn left in the side of China by the US in its fight against communism on the world stage. Imperial powers both fighting under the banner of ‘so-called’ democracy on one hand and totalitarian domination on the other. The Western powers always bring their corporate interests with them and the military industrial complex makes hay while the sun shines at times of war. The larger part of most of the conflicts since WW2 have been about local people wanting independence from their colonial masters. The Vietnam war was very much about this at its inception involving the French. The colonial powers did not want to see their commercial interests lost and resisted the natural desire for national independence by the people. Imperial powers drove these nascent uprisings toward the Soviets and they exploited that to their own benefit where they could.

red national flag

The trick is to not stand too close to the teacher in the classroom. Australia must learn to curb its puppy like enthusiasm for the bigger white skinned power.

We must look behind the curtain to see what is really lurking there. The military industrial complex is all about making money and keeping nations on a perpetual war footing. Australia spending $368 billion on nuclear powered submarines is the perfect illustration of this. This figure will turn out to be tenfold by the time any subs actually roll off the production line. The money will go to a foreign power called the United States of America. The Australian navy will be playing the role of policing the waters in the South China Sea to keep the yellow peril at bay. In actual fact we should buck the trend and Australia should put America on probation. At least until Trump is in jail and the GOP are considered a fringe political party deep in the heart of obscurity.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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