Scott Morrison Bragged About Being A Robodebt Welfare Cop
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Robodebt was an ideological attack on the welfare system by the Coalition for economic and political gain. When they were unable to find the billions of dollars claimed to have been rorted, they confabulated them via illegal means. Scott Morrison bragged about being a Robodebt welfare cop in his public announcements as social services minister. If he is not ultimately responsible for a scheme that has cost the lives of the innocent and vulnerable Australians who is. If Scott Morrison is not responsible for the $1.8 billion lost in a settled class action against the government who is.

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The Lies, Incompetence & Cruelty of Scott Morrison Exposed By Robodebt

We live in a world where our political masters and their bureaucratic minions are able to wrongly ascribe large debts to half a million poor Australians and seemingly face bugger all consequences. We have seen Royal Commission after Royal Commission into banking, aged care, and now Robodebt where no criminal charges have been laid and no one has gone to prison. No wonder corporate and government leadership roles are so sought after with huge pay packets and no come back for corruption and incompetence. Highly paid public servants performing in a moral vacuum with only their arse licking of major concern to their reward and ambitions. This is the Australia we live in and that we have created.

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Scott Morrison Should By Rights Go To Gaol For His Role In Robodebt

If you or I were involved in criminal activities costing billions of dollars and which cost the lives of human beings, we would find ourselves the subject of criminal proceedings and likely be incarcerated for a lengthy period of time. However, those in power rarely face the consequences of their actions if history is any guide. Peter Dutton, the opposition leader, accuses the Labor government of politicising the findings of the Robodebt enquiry, as if this claim frees those responsible of any wrong doing. Life itself is political and it is a byproduct not an excuse.

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PwC, the most ‘on the nose’ consultancy in the world right now, is going to refund the federal government the million bucks they cashed for an incomplete and shelved report of the Robodebt scheme they performed back in 2017.

“The commission found PwC was contacted in January 2017 by Kathryn Campbell, the then secretary of the department, as she had concerns about the delivery of targets under the scheme, and wanted an external review of its processes.”

Kathryn Campbell is the leading senior bureaucrat in this whole sorry saga, who must face the music if the Australian governmental and justice systems are not to be viewed as complete moral vacuums. For nearly 5 years multiple levels of government and public servants have been found to have known that the scheme was illegal and morally wrong. Cowardice has been mentioned by the Commissioner in charge of the Robodebt Royal Commission – Catherine Holmes. She has repeatedly labelled the departmental public servants involved in administering Robodebt cowards, along with their political masters in the Coalition. Cruel and cowardly! This is the behaviour of those supposed to serve the people. Instead they were serving liars and ideological fanatics like Scott Morrison, Alan Tudge, Stuart Robert, Tony Abbott, and Christian Porter.

Scott Morrison Bragged About Being A Robodebt Welfare Cop

Scott Morrison bragged about being a Robodebt welfare cop. He beat up stories to enflame the mean underbelly of Australia and its inclination to kick a man and woman when they are down. How else can you explain the populism of attacking dole bludgers and welfare cheats in the lucky country. It has a rich tradition and the Coalition exploit if for all its worth whenever possible. This widely held belief that there are legions of these welfare cheats rorting the system has been comprehensively proven to be false. It has cost us the tax payers $1.8 billion. There are not hundreds of thousands of such folk, nor tens of thousands, and not thousands of them either. It is a furphy that has cost us all a great deal in all sorts of ways. The liar that was voted out of the lodge should be sent down for the term of his natural life – if there was any justice in this place.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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