fantasist George Santos elected to congress
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Half of America must be so dumb it beggars belief. Otherwise how could they have elected Donald Trump to be president. The GOP: A political party of extremists and distasteful human beings. The Republican party sides with bigots, racists, misogynists, and far right terrorists – and that is on a good day. Cutting the US in half to leave all the red states on their own might be a workable idea but who would want that state on their doorstep. It would be like having Russia or North Korea on your border.

GOP: A political party of extremists
Rosemary Ketchum at Pexels

America & Its Fascists

A lot of Americans seem to love having an enemy to hate. Many of them have grown up hating blacks, Jews, and commies. They include liberals and Democrats on that villainous side. Socialism is evil and the federal government is taking their hard earned dollars through taxes – is a commonly held belief. These same folks or their grandparents didn’t want to fight Hitler in WW2. FDR had to cajole them to take up the mantle to fight fascism. Lindenberg was a fascist of their very own, who sided with Hitler on most things. America did, finally, play a major role in defeating Germany and Japan. The Soviets, of course, lost around 24, 000 000 lives in WW2. The US around 418, 000 lives and most of these were in the military. The greater part of WW2 was fought in eastern Europe and what was known as the Soviet Union. This is where the Germans murdered the Jews in the Holocaust.

GOP: A polical party of extremists & conservative Christians
RODNAE Productions at Pexels

Conservative Christians Controlling Other People’s Lives

Why do conservative Christians want to control other people’s lives? Why can’t they stick to looking after their own lives and leave it at that? The GOP states are rolling back abortion laws so that they can control the reproductive rights of the women who live there. Why can’t people have a free choice in a democracy? In GOP states they are banning books from the library service about things some conservative Christians don’t like. What kind of democracy bans books in the 21C? Nazi Germany banned books! Americans need to stand up for their democratic rights. In Florida, Ron DeSantis and the GOP are trying to control what gets taught in universities around racial history. What kind of democracy does this? It reeks of fascism. The GOP: A pollical party of extremists damaging the future of America.

America was a colonial state, like many other colonies it was an invasion of occupied territory. Australia was formed on the back of a colonial invasion too. These countries were built on the violent murder of the indigenous populations. The colonists, also, brought with them deadly diseases and infections for the locals. They stole the land of those who were there before them. America imported masses of African slave labour to work their fields. The USA is built on the forced labour of African Americans. Endemic racism has been a feature of American culture for hundreds of years. Lincoln may have freed the slaves in 1863 but nothing stopped the ongoing prevalence of hate crimes and economic mistreatment throughout the United States. Institutional and cultural racism still exists in police forces around the nation. Evangelical Christians believe in a blue eyed Jesus, which, of course, is a racial distortion of the facts. Semitic people did not have white skin. Pastors condoning racism has been an awful feature of America, especially in the southern states.

the fantasist George Santos elected to congress

The GOP doesn’t wont its citizens to be fully aware of American history when it comes to the treatment of African Americans and Indigenous Americans. Whitewashing the truth in states like Florida and other red states is damaging to the future of the USA. If America does not own up to its racial problems by confronting its past nothing much will change. Leaders like Trump and DeSantis manipulate the tendencies to deny the truth for their own political benefit. Short term memories keep the populace dumb and easily manipulated by emotive social issues. Anti-woke buttons distract the electorate from the reality of corporate greed fleecing the economy. GOP politicians are bought and sold by these corporate interests. The Republican party is full of crackpots and headcases. Having a leader like Trump may work to keep this party out of power.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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