woman in white long sleeve shirt and white cap
0 4 mins 2 yrs

In Queensland, yet another Indigenous Australian man is shot dead by police. 6 police officers could not restrain an angry young man with a knife without shooting him dead. The training around guns is so bad that we should follow the British example and only have specialist units armed with deadly force. Australian police: Take their guns away to save lives. Police should not be called out to domestic violence situations, as they too often make things much worse.

Police officers, in states around Australia, too often, fail to talk offenders down and disarm them. Their presence actually escalates the problems and results in the unnecessary use of deadly force.

“He said police had been called to the address on Saturday for a mental health check for the same 29-year-old man, with an ambulance also attending. “QAS [Queensland Ambulance Service] and police were at the address yesterday in relation to the deceased, in relation to mental health concerns. The nature of the activities involved in treating him yesterday is now subject to the ambit of this investigation as well,” he said. The detective superintendent said the shooting was a terrible incident for the man’s family to witness.”

  • (AAP, The Guardian, 22 May 2023)
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Too Many Police Cowboys Shooting People Dead

What we need in Australia are specially trained domestic violence and mental health units who are not armed with deadly force. These officers are not looking for confrontations and quick kills. These well trained operatives would be counsellors, as much as security agents. The culture of the current police forces are not adequately equipped to manage these types of high stress encounters without resorting to deadly force.

Shooting someone who is mentally ill or losing it during a domestic violence incident is a failure of policing.

man in black and white adidas jacket and black helmet standing on road during daytime

Police Taser 95 YO Woman In Nursing Home

In NSW, a senior constable with 12 years’ experience tasered a 95 year old woman on a walking frame with dementia in a nursing home. What kind of policing is this? The incident occurred at 4am in the morning, was the officer keen to finish up and get back to the station for a brew? Why were the police called in the first place? Where is the training for both police and aged care staff in handling these kinds of situation. This is not the first incident in an aged care facility, with 6 police officers restraining an 80 year old woman with dementia in 2020. Aged care in Australia already has a piss poor reputation following the Royal Commission into the sector recently.

Queensland police less than honest

Too many cops fire their weapons in confrontational situations. The First Nations young man in Brisbane had only cut someone’s hand in an attack. Yet when police come – 6 officers by the way – it ends with a cop firing 3 shots into the man and killing him. We need senior officers defusing the situation. The community needs much better training to keep vulnerable people safe. Australian police: Take their guns away before they shoot another human being unnecessarily.
