Peter Dutton and members of the media are warning about re–racialisation and a race to the bottom for Australia in the debate over the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Australian racism: Not nice to think about for the comfortable white majority. This country has remained accustomed to an entrenched quiet level of racism. Not being dark skinned themselves, many Australians pat themselves on the back for the largely egalitarian experience they have in this nation. Disparaging remarks about Aborigines are said in good humour. “Can’t you take a joke Stan? Watching Indigenous individuals carefully in shops is just common sense.
Police targeting those with dark skin in the course of their duties is just the way things are. These things are par for the course in Australia.

Racism In Australia
In Australia, we like to tell people that we are not a racist nation. We are the whizz bang wonders of a multicultural society, after all. We judge things like racism by our own experience of such things. Coming from privileged, white backgrounds, our view of the world is rosy and she’ll be apples mate! Too much is made of this kind of thing. Hell, it doesn’t bother me! Nobody talks much about the concept of walking in another man or woman’s shoes. If you haven’t had shopkeepers and bystanders staring at you suspiciously.
If you haven’t had women crossing the street to avoid your presence. If you haven’t experienced closed minds judging you when you apply for a job, a loan, or an even break – how the f*** would you know anything about racism in Australia, really.

Peter Dutton & The Racist No Vote
Peter Dutton doesn’t want nice Australians to have to think about such things as a fair go for those currently getting the short end of the stick. He wants everything to stay the same because things are pretty good for white Australians. Actually giving a voice to the dark mob would make them unnecessarily special, in his view. Not being recognised as First Nation’s people by the Australian constitution is fine by him. Thankfully, Dutton is no longer a member of the government in power. His opinion is one from the fringe and he had his decade in government. It is now time for change and recognition.

The Australian people have an opportunity to do the right thing. To stand up for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament by voting yes at the coming referendum. It is not an end in itself but it is a good beginning. It can be a coming together of the Australian people in support for a unified vision of Australia, which includes recognition of our First Nation’s people.