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Thank Adele Ferguson for shining the spotlight on this alleged blatant exploitation by a Sydney podiatrist of vulnerable Australians. ABC reveals podiatrist ripping off veterans and the evidence stacks up. This illustrates the malfeasance by medical professionals occurring within the Medicare system and other government schemes. We know that billions of dollars are being rorted by some within the medical fraternity in a betrayal of the trust put in them by the Australian public. The 7.30 Report shows the complete lack of oversight present in so many government-funded schemes in Australia. The idea that all doctors are good guys and worthy women is being shown to be a costly fallacy for tax payers down under. Thank goodness for investigative journalism.

Mikhail Nilov at Pexels

7.30 Report’s Adele Ferguson Investigates Podiatrist

“MARGARET FAUX, HEALTHCARE BILLING EXPERT:  There seems to be this focus on patients as ATM machines.

ADELE FERGUSON, REPORTER:  Australians spend tens of billions of dollars a year on health services.

MARGARET FAUX:  Our health payment systems are like open cheque books.

ADELE FERGUSON:  Medical professionals use a coding system to bill patients and healthcare providers.

MARGARET FAUX:  The way these systems work basically is, you put in a number saying, I did this thing, now pay me. And the answer comes back, here you go, here’s your money.

ADELE FERGUSON:  Some health practitioners have built businesses that target government schemes for injured workers, the disabled, elderly and Department of Veteran Affairs or DVA.

MARGARET FAUX:  You have got NDIS. Medicare, DVA, private health insurers, aged care workers, comp, CTP – they’re the main payers.”

a pile of different types of euro bills

Podiatrist Dr Sanjay Parasher Investigated For Bogus Billing

The Adele Ferguson ABC investigation reveals that a Dr Sanjay Parasher has allegedly being systematically ripping off patients from the DVA by falsifying claims for treatment sessions which never occurred. The Foot and Ankle Clinic of Australia’s Dr Sanjay Parasher goes on social media platforms bragging about how much money he makes from podiatry. Meanwhile, he employs admin people to basically commit crimes on his behalf whilst following his instructions. The litany of wrong doing is listed in the ABC report and involves fake referrals, falsifying treatments by a factor of 10 in some cases, targeting veterans in Perth when his clinic is based in Sydney, infiltrating the private medical records of other medical practitioners, bogus billing, fees for no service, and these to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This may well be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the malfeasance rife in government funded schemes around Australia. The scumbags have found the loopholes and lack of proper oversight and are getting rich at our expense.

doctor holding red stethoscope

Australians Find It Hard To Believe There Are Scumbag Doctors

The illusion of the white lab coat creates a myth of ‘the good doctor’ in the minds of many Australians. Yes, there are many hard working and honest medicos. However, there is a growing section of cynical scumbag doctors rorting the system to get rich at the expense of Australian tax payers. The billions of dollars of wastage and unjustified claims bloating Medicare and other government funded schemes is legion. All of this bad money, like all the other bogus insurance claims in Australia, bloats our economy and has an inflationary affect. If I had a dollar for every account of insurance fraud I hear from friends re-their household insurers I would be a wealthy chap. This massive industry-wide scam is happening daily on our shores and making Australia a much more expensive place to live in. The reluctance of governments to actually do anything about this is testament to their tacit involvement in looking the other way. We do not have proper, well-funded oversight in this country, which allows players to run rampant in this regard.

Toothless tigers are everywhere in the halls of government capable of wagging their tails and rolling over for any and every inducement proffered.

white coupe parked near house

Dr Sanjay thought he could show off his very expensive sports cars and luxury lifestyle to the world via social media knowing that Australian oversight is blinder than bats without radar. Schemes for DVA and NDIS are neglected like the patients they purport to look after. It is another illustration of the half arsed Australian way. Hang your heads in shame folks.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.


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