silhouette of a person holding a gun
1 5 mins 2 mths

Only in America, the land of unchecked greed and guns, do you half expect these sort of things. Rapacious health fund CEO gunned down in New York city. The assassin had marked his bullets with the words ‘deny’, ‘defend’ and ‘depose’. These are the insurer’s mantra when refusing payouts to policy holders. Brian Thompson was the CEO of United Healthcare a company on target to make $450 billion revenue this financial year. This is America where healthcare is first and foremost about profitability for investors and executives. I suspect that this way of doing business has made the company plenty of enemies.

Is The Killing Of Healthcare CEO Revenge?

The response on social media to the killing has been less than overly sympathetic to the victim. Americans are, it seems, primed for violence. The US health system is a deeply unfair, expensive, and flawed array of the worst that America has to offer its citizens.

“Animosity was expressed from avowed socialists to right-wing activists suspicious of the so-called “deep state” and corporate power. It also came from ordinary people sharing stories about insurance firms denying their claims for medical treatments.

Recent Commonwealth Fund research found that 45% of insured working-age adults were charged for something they thought should have been free or covered by insurance, and less than half of those who reported suspected billing errors challenged them. And 17% of respondents said their insurer denied coverage for care that was recommended by their doctor.”

Everything in America is about making money, over and above, what those sectors are there for. The financialization of healthcare via private equity takeovers of hospitals has seen care rates plummet and consumer costs go way up. People are angry and some of them are armed.

city street photo
Photo by Nout Gons on

Disgruntled Consumers Are Not Going To Take It Anymore

I have been sounding the alarm about civil unrest for some time now. You cannot keep screwing people and not expect a backlash. The wealth divide in the US is extreme and the same thing is happening in Australia. Neoliberalism and its economic policies have accelerated inequity and inequality around the globe. Rapacious corporate executives and their boards are overseeing the plundering of the middle class. Everything costs more and competition has been removed from the market meaning consumers have no buying power. Governments and their agencies are complicit in this, as they have been bought off with campaign donations and promises of well paid jobs via the revolving door.

Medical Profession Disgraced By Purdue Pharma Rapaciousness

Violence is not condoned by right thinking individuals but neither is the disconnect between rapacious money making and people’s lives. For profit private enterprise should not be involved in healthcare. The sector is not best served by greedy capitalists. We have seen how the medical profession in America was bought off by Purdue Pharma with lies and incentives to prescribe their deadly addictive pain killers. This has resulted in millions of lives destroyed across America.

“April 17, 2024 ­– The U.S. health care system is “totally broken,” according to Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Speaking to members of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health community on April 12, Sanders, an Independent senator from Vermont, explained why the system doesn’t work. “It is a system not designed to provide health care to all people in a cost-effective way,” he said. “It is a system designed to make huge profits for the insurance companies, the drug companies, and many other industries within the system.” “

 Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Bite & Smile – his brand new book which has just been published.


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