Premier Perrottet under attack over pokie reforms in NSW.
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Dominic Perrottet, the Nazi premier of NSW, is under attack from Clubs NSW over reforms to pokie gambling in his state. The introduction of a cashless card is seen as the death knell for all the illegal money laundering going on via pokie machines. This is at the root of the whole “I dressed up as a Nazi for my 21st Birthday” shaming of the Premier. It is a dirty underhanded campaign to remove Perrottet from office and so kill off the reforms to pokie gambling in NSW. The millions and billions of dollars surrounding pokie machines in clubs and pubs in NSW is manna from ill gotten sources for a bevy of businesses, pollies, and hangers-on. Organised crime is heavily invested in this reform not going ahead. Premier Perrottet under attack over pokie reforms in NSW.

Will The Youthful Nazi Premier Stand Up To Clubs NSW?

The ALP wont stand up to the gambling lobby and are under the thumb of Clubs NSW, according to sources. The ALP has no stated policy like a cashless card for pokie users , instead they have it under review – which means sit on your hands and do nothing.

The Libs under Perrottet are doing something but will the Nazi premier be able to survive under the onslaught from vested interests within Sin City?

Goosestepping out of the way of this runaway cavalcade of armed vehicles hell bent on smashing him to smithereens will not be easy.

Premier Perrottet under attack over pokie reforms in NSW.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – FEBRUARY 21: NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet addresses the media at Sydney’s International Airport on February 21, 2022 in Sydney, Australia. Australia is welcoming fully-vaccinated international travellers for the first time since closing its borders to all non-citizens and non-residents in March 2020 in the effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)

Gambling Lobby Take On Cashless Card Reform Champion

Many on his own side of politics have their hands deep inside the cookie jar of pokie money for politicians. Those $1000 per head dinners and lunches that avoid disclosure of campaign funding by the gambling interests this proud nation is built on.

Dirty money that gets washed clean under the lax monitoring of what goes on inside clubs and pubs across Sydney and the state.

Casinos and pokie infested behemoths in the moral waste ground we call suburban Sydney.

organised crime
Photo by Donald Tong:

“Dominic Perrottet has launched an extraordinary attack on former NSW premier Bob Carr, blaming him for the proliferation of poker machines across Sydney while vowing to push his cashless gaming reform through cabinet before the looming election.

Perrottet said that Carr was responsible for putting a poker machine “on every street corner” of Sydney during his decade as premier.

The former Labor premier took to social media last week to call Perrottet “unelectable” following revelations he dressed as a Nazi at his own 21st birthday.”

It is a filthy web of greed and snouts in the trough, when it comes to pokie money in NSW and right around the country for that matter. Talk about draining the swamp! Stupid punters and vulnerable mugs blowing their hard earned on gambling losses, whilst inebriated. Gambling has become the new religion for the Aussie everyman and woman. Defending the right to be taken for a rube is hot on the agenda for plenty of battlers. Premier Perrottet under attack over pokie reforms in NSW.


Premier Perrottet under attack over pokie reforms in NSW.

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