Billionaires and oligarchs
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The Trump years were desperately unfunny despite the stupidity of the man and what often came out of his mouth as President of the United States. The laughable state of American politics is reaching new highs of absurdity with the most recent discovery of classified documents in Biden’s possession, from his time as Vice President during the Obama years. Firstly, Trump was under investigation by the DOJ for filching boxes of top secret classified documents when he left the White House. Who knew that Presidents weren’t allowed to souvenir such stuff upon their departure? Some folks steal stuff from their hotel rooms and slip it into their luggage prior to checking out.

Billionaires and oligarchs Trump tower

Absurdist Theatre At The Capital

Trump, obviously, didn’t consider himself just passing through in service to the nation. He thought to himself, I am the god damn President and I own whatever passes through my hands for posterity. Ignorant viewers, like myself, were soon brought up to speed by the seemingly endless debate and discussions had in the media over this ‘crime of the century’. Most right thinking folk despised Trump so much that we were happy to see him hopefully convicted of some crime to prevent him ever returning to office. The wheels of justice for rich people in America turn ever so slowly if at all. Politics trumps the concerns of criminal justice in the land of the free, if the perpetrator is wealthy and influential.

Presidential pardons are dispensed like after-dinner mints at swanky restaurants.

The laughable state of American politics
Photo by cottonbro studio:

Pilfering Presidents & Vice Presidents Too

Now, we have the absurd fact of President Biden’s pilfering of classified documents when leaving office as departing Vice President. All the righteous air has been sucked out of the room. The most profound takeaway from this absurdist state of affairs is that if you keep electing really old men to the highest office in the land is…. Well, they are very forgetful and need constant watching. Either their staff are underperforming or too in awe of the status of their bosses, because someone should have known about the laws governing this stuff. Here is the perfect reason not to keep voting for really old politicians – usually white men. America could do with a sharper tool in the shed. The laughable state of American politics keeps delivering septuagenarians and octogenarians to the oval office. Is this telling us that the political system in the US really has bugger all power and that the President is just a figure head? The money men run the country and they bribe all the congress men and women and senators to carry their coats for them.

Old man Biden is a doddering shadow of the man he once was. Trump is all bluster and little follow through, like a petulant Mister Magoo.

The laughable state of American politics - President Biden
Hey Joe time to give someone younger a go!

You want to make a symbolic statement to address racial injustices in America – paint the White House some other colour and stop calling it by that divisive name.

Stop electing really old men to office and give the next few generations a fair go.

The laughable state of American politics needs a total overhaul.

Robert Sudha Hamilton


Brand New Release!!!

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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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