Rupert Murdoch has been a scourge across this nation and around the globe. Publishing right wing broadsheets and tabloids to peddle influence in western Anglo democracies. Fox News has been his nadir in terms of journalistic standards and any pretence of objectivity in reporting the news. You would have to say that he has made his many fortunes out of giving stupid people what they think they want. The neoliberal shonky manipulation of the ordinary man and woman in the street. Appealing to their prejudices and their short shrift for anything beyond their ken. The anti-woke campaign is writ loud across the right wing playbook to rile up a response from the largely apathetic majority. News Corp publications and networks jump on this bandwagon day and night.
Murdoch & News Corp’s Anti-Woke Messaging
News Corporation were first to pay for opinion pieces over any investigative journalism to fill the content in their many publications. The Australian newspaper, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, Courier Mail, Herald Sun, New York Post, Sky News Australia, Wall Street Journal, and The Sun, to name a few of their more prominent titles and channels. Shrill anti-woke messaging and other conservative strategies for enflaming public opinion about inconsequential things are their bread and butter. Meanwhile supporting the existing economic shafting of the many by the few. The main narrative could be an editorial line that goes like this:
Murdoch’s Fox News Right Wing Ranting
This is the messaging underpinning all those right wing shock jocks and Fox News hosts. Producers on these shows have to trawl through reams of global media to dig out ridiculous examples of wokeness to fill the content quota. Mock outrage is expressed every 60 seconds by these mouthpieces for the everyman. Sky News Australia beats this drum hard in a bid to garner an audience of grumpy old men and women. Clickbait targets examples of callous youth crime, combining the oldies hatred of youth and the shock value of violent crime. Nigerian gangs in Melbourne was a favourite, as it added some anti-refugee spice to the mix.
Murdoch is in the sights of a billion dollar lawsuit about its coverage of the Donald Trump false claims about a rigged election when he lost to Joe Biden. Fox News aired countless false claims about voter fraud and the Dominion voting machines. Fox News was a band leader when it came to drumming up support for these sensationalistic lies. Isn’t it finally time to hold news organisations accountable for peddling fake news? Policemen were killed in the January 6th insurrection at the Capital. Fox News was heavily involved in promoting this via their programs and messaging. It would be a just outcome to see Murdoch successfully sued for hundreds of millions of dollars and the empire destroyed. This vile profiteer has fed on the societies he has falsely documented in his biased coverage over decades. There are many forms of evil in the world. The exploitation of news gatherers and the peddling of influence is a mass evil perpetuated on the world. The majority of consumers are too stupid to see how control of the news has manipulated them for years. The influence of the Murdoch empire is waning in Australia, with the internet diluting the News Corp monopoly. The voices on radio and TV are still shrill but less of us are listening. America remains a three ringed circus.