The internet is here to stay and it is time to lock up trolls and online abusers. These cowardly bullies hide behind anonymity on social media and heap filthy abuse on women in particular. The legal framework around trolling is completely inadequate. The e safety commissioner is another toothless tiger in a streak of toothless tigers in Australia. The conservative governments have consistently delivered impotent human rights laws to Australians. It is time to recognise that these unsolicited comments in the online space should be treated in the same manner as libellous statements in the eyes of the law.
Re-Education Camps for Serial Online Abusers
Australia, as it stands, supports dirt throwing by gutless spiteful individual Australians with no consequences. Misogyny and racism must be clearly met with legal imperatives. There is no room for ambivalence on these matters. Serial abusers on these fronts would be best served by time spent in re-education camps. Often, people who are racists and misogynists have not been exposed to the positive aspects of empowered women and diversity, more generally. Time away from their usual lives undergoing re-training would serve them and the community well.
Weeding Out Trolls & Locking Them Away
There is another factor going on in this space, as well, which is the presence of bots. Automated bots driving divisive agendas on forums and on social media are present in Australia. The social media companies need to be forced to ramp up their security to weed out these negative influencers on the societal stage here in Australia. In addition, there are extremist right wing groups who have an investment in stoking divisive behaviour in these spaces in Australia. By mentioning these bad actors I do not discount the presence of real misogynists and racists in this nation – they are there in numbers.
It is time to lock up trolls and online abusers. Re-education camps in the style of something scary might just send the right message of deterrence to these scumbags. It is time to ferret the cowards out and lock them up for some re-education. We could use some of those old refugee detention centres around the place. Plenty of barbed wire and dogs to keep the trolls safely locked away. A 2 year stretch in one of these re-education camps would be just the ticket for such opinionated individuals.