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There is talk of the huge cost to Australians of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS mess is made by bureaucrats. A worthy idea at heart the NDIS has been overloaded with many unnecessary protocols. The fact that individuals on the scheme with lifelong conditions are made to front an annual review panel to prove their disability is the perfect example of this. Who benefits from this? The bureaucrats involved, of course, they create employment and working hours for themselves to conduct these unnecessary reviews. Someone who is blind from birth is not going to suddenly see – no matter your religious beliefs about whether miracles exist. A quadriplegic or paraplegic should not have to prove their status every year. This is red tape wastage that makes the NDIS much more expensive than it need be.

two man laughing at each other

NDIS Honeypot For Public Servants in Australia

Whenever there is a large pool of funds in Australia it attracts chancers and scumbags like flies to a carcass on a hot day. The NDIS has these in spades at both ends of the scheme. There are unscrupulous providers milking the scheme for all they can. There is organised crime scamming the system through things like identity fraud. Plus, the conga line of public servants loading the NDIS up with their well paid input via endless protocols and what we used to call paperwork. Continuing on the great tradition in charitable work where the money going to charities gets syphoned off into the pockets of those assisting the needy. The ingrained lack of respect for people with a disability in Australia means that this excessive bureaucracy gets away with fiscal murder on the balance sheet when it comes to the NDIS.

Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians
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Unnecessary Protocols Overload NDIS Budget

Bill Shorten, I hope, will prune back these unnecessary bureaucratic protocols and get some of their snouts out of the funding trough. More money to those who the scheme is actually for and less to the pen pushers in government departments. Australia has too many public servants who are out for their own ends, as we saw during the Robodebt Royal Commission. These self-serving climbers of the greasy pole are not altruistic folk. They are far more concerned with job security and promotion than any standards of public good. The NDIS mess is made by bureaucrats for their own financial benefit. The NDIS can become something wonderful if the parasites on the body of the scheme can be removed.

“The National Disability Insurance Scheme is turning into a “bureaucratic nightmare” that is failing to meet the needs of many of its clients, disability advocacy groups say.

The agency that runs the NDIS has also been accused of putting lives of risk and wasting money by pushing people with disabilities to take legal action to obtain support.

Even successful NDIS participants tended to live in fear of losing support, Annear said. “Fear of losing funds in the next plan can lead to spending of funds in a way that is not best suited to the participant – if you don’t spend it you’ll lose it is a frequent fear.” ” (Andrew Taylor, SMH, 22 Aug 2022) –

Robert Sudha Hamilton – Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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