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The Murdoch’s News Corp is at it again in Australian politics, making news rather than reporting on it. Sky News Australia, that blatantly one eyed right wing tabloid TV channel, is hard at it beating up BS into inflammatory stories. Calling out the fear mongers. Liberal party cronies and ex-staffers bleat non-stop anti-Albanese malarkey. The Australian newspaper in concert with Newspoll declares major popularity slump for the ALP federal government. This strategy of polling to start anti-government waves of public sentiment has been a long standing one for News Corp. They can then run multiple stories across their platforms with headlines about midterm slumps. The rest of the corporate media picks up these stories and runs with them, including the now chastened ABC.

painting of man

Murdoch’s News Corp & One Eyed Opinion Based Reporting

Current affairs and news is all about click bait these days, so it is a tight focus on the politics of every thing rather than policy. Murdoch started the whole op ed, opinion based journalism decades ago. Consumers prefer to read gossip and opinion over substance and facts. Investigative journalism has become a rare commodity indeed. The Greek chorus of the Australian media repeats itself loudly, with young reporters unquestioningly following the bosses line. In actual fact, the Albanese government has achieved a lot in the China space for our trade revenue and the release of journalist Cheng Lei. Penny Wong and Albo have cleaned up the mess made by Morrison in the Pacific with our neighbours there. The economy is being well managed in a tight global downturn and inflationary period. Wages have started to go up for some sectors despite the gloomy times. The failure of the Indigenous Voice was a blow to the government and to the nation, however.

Peter Dutton
the fear monger!

Dutton The Fear Monger

Peter Dutton and his strategists have forged an attack plan in the mould of Tony Abbott’s in the Gillard days. The LNP will bully the Labor government whenever they can. Dutton is fear mongering over dangerous refugees released into the community by the High Court. He is banging his drum about the war in Gaza and going all anti-Arab. The yellow peril fear of China is never far from the LNP commentary. Dutton is crying wolf more often than that little boy in the story. Peter Dutton divided the nation by organising the defeat of the Voice by taking a partisan position on the referendum. He will be a wrecker from now until the government breaks or he does. The Australian hard right will be following the lead of the radical Republican party Trump campaign in the US. White supremacy and anti-LGBTQI dog whistling will never be far from the lips of these populist politicians on the right. The Murdochs will be right behind them amplifying their divisive messages. Dutton wants to create anxiety and social unrest, so that he can blame Albo for appearing weak. The Murdochs just want to make money and stay influential in the power stakes.  Wars put the wind up folk. Watching little children being blown up on the telly is unsettling. Many of us are vulnerable to suggestions that we might not be safe, especially older Australians.

“ Of the 140 or so released to date, we can count three murderers and “several” sex offenders. Others have been declared “security risks”, while others again have been associated with criminal gangs.

It is possible also that some people may have had their citizenship revoked and have found themselves in detention awaiting deportation. Of those who have gone through the criminal justice system and been found guilty, all have served their terms, but were nevertheless kept in detention because they could not be deported to a third country.”

It is no easy task to find reports of any depth into these stateless people, who have already served their time in prison, and are now being used as fear monger fodder by the opposition. My hunch is that some of them have been labelled as criminals without proper scrutiny. It is political tom foolery and our media just lap it up, rather than questioning it.

white clouds over city buildings during daytime

Coalition No Alternative But Much Worse

The ridiculous state of affairs is the Coalition presenting themselves as some sort of alternative after 10 years in government making a mess of things. The social housing/rental crisis is partly their doing, as it happened on their economic watch. Robodebt, where 500, 000 ordinary Australians were wrongly accused of being welfare cheats and ended up costing the nation $1.8 billion was a Coalition policy initiative. The abysmal planning around Snowy 2.0 and the national rail network are all things that are going to cost tens of billions of dollars of tax payers money. The PwC corporate tax betrayal and the outsourcing of billions of dollars of government public service work to consultancy firms are all LNP federal government corrupt and immoral practices. The fact that the Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrison governments failed to establish a federal ICAC to police the politicians is another dodgy black mark against them. These guys and gals are far from the finest Australians. Scott Morrison made himself the minister of everything – remember! Climate change deniers that have put back the green energy transition by a decade.

“The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) has welcomed the High Court’s decision that has found indefinite immigration detention to be unlawful and unconstitutional in cases where there is no prospect of people being returned.  

Paul Power, CEO of RCOA, has called for the urgent review of the cases of all people in immigration detention, to enable the release of those who cannot be returned, including refugees, people fleeing war and persecution, and stateless people.  

“Indefinite detention has always been morally wrong and unlawful under international human rights law. It is welcome to see the High Court start to overturn its 2004 decision of Al-Kateb and recognise that such detention should not be permitted in Australia,” Mr Power said. “

grayscale photo of building
Parliament house was a dangerous place for women with all those pissed politicians & staffers wandering about.

The media needs to calm down and stop stoking fears around a bunch of refugees who have been through hell themselves. They are not Attila the Hun or something worse. In many instances, they are just stateless refugees who have been adversely labelled by our immigration services to deny them entry and a refuge.

Aussies may be doing it tough right now, as I am myself, but it would be well to take these things with a grain of salt. The grass will not be greener on Peter Dutton’s watch for a large number of Australians. The ex-cop will be an authoritarian PM that Australia would quickly come to regret. Conservatives enrich the wealthy and powerful at the expense of those at the other end of the spectrum, witness Robodebt.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.


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