I have been reading a historical expose of the Black Death and the many plague events recorded in Europe through the millennia. Invariably in almost all of these crises in cities throughout the many Christian kingdoms and principalities, making up what we now know of as Europe, a certain group would be targeted. Yes, the Jewish denizens of these cities would be attacked and most often murdered and burnt at the stake. Jews would be blamed for the advent of plague causing the mass deaths of the inhabitants of these towns and cities. This happened again and again with frightening and ridiculous frequency. Angry Christian mobs would look for someone to vent their violent hate upon in the face of untold deaths occurring via the microbial world. Their divinely inspired religious belief was unable to finger the correct culprit and blamed the Jews instead. Of course, in their largely fictious story about their Messiah the Jews played the role of villain in causing the crucifixion death of Jesus. This was justification enough for many to endlessly punish all Jews forever more. Righteous hate beats beneath our skin, it seems. Plus, in many instances Christians owed Jewish moneylenders a whole bunch of silver and so, killed two birds with the one stone. Individual townsfolk were relieved of their debt and enacted a righteous killing which would hopefully put paid to the plague costing the lives of family and friends. Obviously, the latter did not come to fruition but a whole lot of Jewish men, women and children died horrific deaths at the hands of Christians. Interestingly, a few very good looking young Jewish women were spared this fate by their murderous attackers for reasons you can probably imagine. Funny how religion works on the ground for all practical purposes.

Hate Marches To A Righteous Beat In England
“ “This is not a protest, it is organised, violent thuggery and it has no place on our streets or online.”
It comes as masked rioters assembled outside Holiday Inn hotels in both Rotherham and Tamworth and clashed with police. Thugs in both places smashed windows as they attempted to gain entry to the hotels before setting fires.”
In the UK at this time, gangs of angry young men are marching on and attacking refugee centres and accommodations across the nation. This is in response to misinformation on social media apportioning blame to a Muslim refugee for the brutal stabling murders of children in Southport. The stabbing of 9 young girls and the murder of 2 was not done by such a demographically defined person. This disinformation is deliberately being spread on social media by far right individuals and groups to foster civil unrest in the UK. It plays upon the human proclivity to be enraged and seek vengeance in the face of acts of despicable behaviour committed upon the innocent. This is the danger of social media to the fabric of our society when misused in such ways. The ignorance and willingness of folk to believe what is put out on social media without bothering to investigate the veracity of such claims is at the heart of the problem. It speaks of frustrated people quick to act upon their passions no matter the consequences. The social discourse globally at the moment is all about grievance and blaming others. Populists like Trump and Dutton are dog whistling and fanning fires at every opportunity. Young men who via the influence of fashion are working out in the gym want somewhere to put their hardened muscles to good use. Hard physical work is no longer an option for many in Western nations.
In an age of screens and keyboards, men have become office bound typists. Their innate testosterone screams out for fighting and a righteous cause.

Quick To Hate & Blame Others
The wheels of human injustice keep turning despite the centuries apart of these events. We saw how irrational we all got during the pandemic and its lockdowns. How quick many were to take to the streets in protest over their loss of freedoms. This individualistic libertarian movement fought against the necessary social health policies brought in to save vulnerable members of our communities. Yes, there was overreach but these things happen when trying to deal with big problems for the first time in a century. Social media showed us how quick many were to believe in unproven cures and solutions. Trump was a keen example of this with his many tweets and public statements about bleach and other crazy shit. Covid was a modern day pneumonic plague experience, where millions of people died and were hospitalised. Antisemitism is an age old problem and historically something Christian societies should be deeply ashamed of. The current Gaza conflict is inspiring something else I would call anti-Zionism – the anger is about the treatment of Palestinians in Israel and how millions are suffering for the hateful actions of Hamas.
There are no winners in the current scenario just further injustice for a beleaguered people with no statehood. Professor Timothy Snyder talks about the removal of statehood as the crime which made the Holocaust possible throughout Eastern Europe.
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.