Peter Dutton
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The few serious offenders who have been released by the High Court of Australia from indefinite detention have already served their sentences. Xenophobic Peter Dutton fear mongering once again and raising anxiety levels among Australians. The Leader of the Opposition is both an embarrassment to the nation and a danger to the social fabric. The political point scoring by Dutton is at the expense of the judicial fairness of Australia. Why should these people have to serve further punishment if they have already served the time for their crime. Dutton is a disgrace and should be censured by the parliament for inciting ill feeling toward vulnerable human beings under the care of Australia.

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Dutton Demonstrates Unsuitability To Lead

Peter Dutton lacks the maturity to lead a political party let alone a country like Australia. Stirring up hate and bad feeling is what Dutton does best it seems. Lumping all these detainees as hardened criminals is a blatant lie.  Dutton knows that many of them are only guilty of misdemeanours and that some are not guilty of anything at all. The main fact is that they have served their sentences, which means they should be free. It is outrageous that politicians should be allowed to get away with misleading the Australian people and stirring up trouble unnecessarily.

“However, it is likely these would only be legal if ordered by a court and it is unclear if they could be applied retrospectively to the cohort that has already served their criminal sentence and been released on parole before entering immigration detention.”

we were all once refugees text on multicolored ceramic tile

Muck Racker & Pot Stirrer

Appealing to base feelings like fear and hate within the electorate is what this is all about. Politicians muck racking out of human misery for political point scoring. We saw it with the Voice referendum and with Israel and the bombing of Gaza. There is no low standard that Dutton will not stoop to further his own political ambitions. 10 years in government where these refugees were locked up and indefinitely detained. We facilitated turning many of these people into desperate individuals capable of crimes. Dutton takes no responsibility as per usual.

In Dutton’s Australia, you do the crime, serve the time, and if you aren’t white you stay locked up forever if he cant kick you out of the country. What kind of place are we running here?

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Fear Mongering & Finger Pointing

He is all finger pointing and fear mongering. Everything is always a crisis or a problem. He never comes up with solutions. He tries to make himself relevant by crying wolf. The Dutton answer is always the same, as if he never left the police force. Lock em up.

Aboriginal youth – lock em up and send in the army. Detained refugees – keep em locked up forever. Chuck em out of Australia. If he could, Dutton would put em down like wild dogs. The humanity of the man is nowhere to be seen. He is all venom and bluster.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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