Premier Perrottet under attack over pokie reforms in NSW.

Premier Perrottet Under Attack Over Pokie Reforms In NSW

4 mins 2 yrs

Dominic Perrottet, the Nazi premier of NSW, is under attack from Clubs NSW over reforms to pokie gambling in his state. The introduction of a cashless card is seen as the death knell for all the illegal money laundering going on via pokie machines. This is at the root of the whole “I dressed up as a Nazi for my 21st Birthday” shaming of the Premier. It is a dirty underhanded campaign to remove Perrottet from office and so kill off the reforms to pokie gambling in NSW. The millions and billions of dollars surrounding pokie machines in clubs and pubs in NSW is manna from ill gotten sources for a bevy of businesses, pollies, and hangers-on. Organised crime is heavily invested in this reform not going ahead. Premier Perrottet under attack over pokie reforms in NSW.

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