a large stadium filled with lots of people
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The recent decision by the Queensland state government not to build another sporting stadium for the Olympics is a sign of maturity. Brisbane and Australia are in the midst of an acute housing crisis, with too few houses and apartments available for demand. It would be a gross display of economic irresponsibility to build a massively expensive stadium when there are not enough affordable accommodation options available for the people of Brisbane. The builders and the investment should be engaged and spent on social housing rather than infrastructure for sport. Enough with the elitist sporting indulgence when a city, a state, and a nation is not taking care of its ordinary citizens. Not building another stadium is a win for Queenslanders.

“No one wants to see money spent on facilities that are only needed for four weeks.”

Premier Steven Miles

“The Queensland government says it won’t be demolishing the Gabba and building a new Olympic stadium in Brisbane, despite the recommendations of an independent review of venues for the 2032 Games.”

a city skyline with the word Brisbane written in large letters

Olympic Dreams Can Take A Backseat To Building Social Housing

The Olympics has its place but it should not gazump the responsibility that governments have to their subjects. The Olympics is cream and there is no cream if the basics have not firstly been put in place. The market has failed renters in Brisbane, in Queensland, and around Australia. The neoliberal economic policies of the last few decades have seen an abrogation by government’s of their responsibilities. Housing and providing shelter at an affordable rate should be at the top of the list for our society at both state and private sector levels. Profitability has replaced all other concerns and we have been let down by this.

person holding brown leather bifold wallet

Shameful Behaviours By Corporate Australia During Cost Of Living Crisis

There are families who have been forced to live in tents on the fringes of the city because of the unaffordability of rents in Queensland. The market has not taken care of business and governments have failed their constituents. The cost of living crisis has sucked the modest savings out of the working poor families. People are living hand to mouth. Australian corporations have recorded record profits during this time, which says something about the morality of our businesses. Profitability has become everything and basic decency has left the building. It is pretty lousy really. We got through a global pandemic only to come out the other side and have businesses target the government assistance funds via price gouging. Corporate Australia should hang its head in shame. Woolworths, Coles, Qantas, Commonwealth Bank, Ampol, Santos, PwC, News Corp and all the many companies that don’t pay tax have been taking a crap on all of us at our expense. Wildly overpaid CEO’s like Alan Joyce – it is a disgrace.


a shopping cart outside of a store

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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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