Peter Dutton, the Opposition leader, traded in bank stocks when the Australian government was bailing out the banks during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). A politician, with likely insider information, profiteering at this time says something about the character of a man putting himself forward as Australia’s potential Prime Minister. Dirty Dutton revealed as profiteer during Australian crisis. Looking out for oneself when millions were losing their jobs and savings is not the character reference than many in the electorate would be welcoming. Indeed, it casts aspersions upon the whole body of men and women supposedly serving their country.

Peter Dutton Substantially Profited From Suspicious Bank Trades
This was back in 2009, during the GFC, when Australia and the world were teetering on the edge of financial disaster. Although, not directly in government at the time, the Opposition shadow cabinet are often briefed accordingly during times of crisis. It is supposed to be a time of bipartisan backs to the wall efforts in Canberra to overcome perils pitted against the nation. It is not commonly considered appropriate to focus on your own financial benefit whilst Rome burns. If a civil servant was caught doing this he or she would be investigated and, perhaps, dismissed from their position.
Who Does Dutton Serve?
The fact than an ex-cop would take such a course of action further questions Peter Dutton’s suitability to hold high office. Dutton’s wealth does not make him a bad man but how he acquired that wealth now comes under scrutiny. Personally, I am disappointed that feathering your own nest is still allowed when these individuals are supposed to be serving their country. Politicians are privy to information, which by its very nature impacts the stock market because these men and women are legislating the laws of the land. It is naïve to think that some sort of honour system is going to stop this kind of thing going on. It should be illegal to trade in investments during your time in the parliaments of Australia.

A Divisive Leader In Opposition
Dirty Dutton revealed as profiteer during Australian crisis. The divisive Leader of the Opposition has sewn fear re-Indigenous Australians having a Voice to Parliament during the national referendum. He has ramped up anxieties re-refugees, China, and the passions of Middle Eastern Australians during the genocide of Gaza – following his junket tour to Israel. Dutton plays the strongman of Australian politics warning of dangers all around us and under the bed. We know now that he seeks to expand his wealth through his position and influence. At the same time, via his government portfolios:
“Minister for Workforce Participation from 26.10.2004 to 27.1.2006.
Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer from 27.1.2006 to 3.12.2007.
Minister for Health from 18.9.2013 to 23.12.2014.
Minister for Sport from 18.9.2013 to 23.12.2014.
Cabinet Minister from 18.9.2013 to 23.5.2022.
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection from 23.12.2014 to 28.8.2018.
Minister for Home Affairs from 20.12.2017 to 30.3.2021.
Minister for Defence from 30.3.2021 to 23.5.2022.”
Peter Dutton MP has been exposed to banking and finance CEOs, leaders of industry, and other movers and shakers downunder during his career in parliament. It would be hard to ignore the information and advice going around within those circles. This article does not allege that Peter Dutton has broken any laws but rather that his behaviour has been self-serving rather than in the national interest. Is this what we want to see in those governing the country? A ‘me first’ attitude during times of crisis? A once was a police officer should know better – what did those 9 years teach Peter?. Integrity seems to be in very short supply these days at the top.
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.

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