a group of people holding signs and flags
2 4 mins 5 mths

Trump Ascended To The Highest Office In The Land

Donald Trump has just been fined $354 million for fraudulently lying about his assets and business worth when getting loans from commercial banks. Despite a history of very dodgy behaviour Trump ascended to the highest office in the land. Yes, he is an officer of the United States of America. Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, thanks to property developer dad Fred Trump. He is not a self-made man or the second coming of anything worth waiting for. It seems in America the only law with any real teeth is that of money and civil suits.

Fresh Politics
House Therapy book cover
3 mins 3 yrs

Conversion Optimisation

There are more than a billion websites globally and the vast majority of them are without a sale to their name. I don’t know about you but that strikes me as kind of sad. It speaks of misfiring strategies and misapplied capitol. It sings a song of failure and the herd mentality of human beings. We like to focus on the success stories in life, especially in the study of marketing. The poor conversion optimisation exponent is like the guy or gal who cannot get to first base. It tells a story of the loneliness of the loser.

white concrete dome museum
5 mins 8 mths

American Congressmen & Women Regularly Trade On The Stock Market

American Congressmen and women regularly trade on the stock market during their terms in office. This is despite the fact they may have crucial information about corporations and companies which affects their stock price. The American political set up is a bad joke in terms of any separation between civics and commerciality. The committees that these members of Congress sit upon directly impact upon the fortunes of American companies. The fact that members of Congress or their families can happily trade on the stock market during their terms of office is outrageous. No wonder they have to carry them out in wooden coffins and they hardly ever leave office until they reach the ripe old age of Methuselah. Talk about being on a good wicket.

Economics Fresh Politics

New Content

Words For Web SEO Content Marketing
4 mins 2 yrs

Women Are Better With Words

The fact that women are better with words will come as no surprise to many. The female of our species seems to be hardwired to communicate more effectively than the male. The male is a simpler beast tasked by evolution with muscles to provide security like the nightclub bouncer. Men will get their point across by speaking louder and imbuing their delivery with more force. Despite women clearly outpointing men via their communication skills they have been consigned to lesser roles on the basis of might being right. Leadership has traditionally been the domain of those victors in combat.

person wearing suit reading business newspaper
0 18 mins 20 hrs

Billionaire Influence: Rich Men & Their Sheep

Individuals who have made a shit load of money are not necessarily wise by nature. There is, however, an all too ready willingness to believe in their superiority by the sheep-like members of our communities. Billionaire influence: Rich men and their sheep. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Koch and the list could go on are some of the most influential billionaires of the 21C. The majority of us are content to shuffle along in life and follow the leader. ‘Working for the man’ means for many trading their integrity for a meagre amount of financial security. Crumbs from the trickledown effect of decades of neoliberalism. Once you have passed on your autonomy to another it is no stretch to follow their lead wherever they take you. This makes very wealthy people much more influential than their poorer counterparts.

Culture Economics Fresh Politics
person wearing suit reading business newspaper
0 18 mins 20 hrs

Billionaire Influence: Rich Men & Their Sheep

Individuals who have made a shit load of money are not necessarily wise by nature. There is, however, an all too ready willingness to believe in their superiority by the sheep-like members of our communities. Billionaire influence: Rich men and their sheep. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Koch and the list could go on are some of the most influential billionaires of the 21C. The majority of us are content to shuffle along in life and follow the leader. ‘Working for the man’ means for many trading their integrity for a meagre amount of financial security. Crumbs from the trickledown effect of decades of neoliberalism. Once you have passed on your autonomy to another it is no stretch to follow their lead wherever they take you. This makes very wealthy people much more influential than their poorer counterparts.

Culture Economics Fresh Politics
Statue of Liberty, New York under white and blue cloudy skies
10 mins 6 mths

Looking To America Is Fraught

Unfortunately, many in the world still look to America as the leading example of humanity in the current era. The superpower in military and economic terms remains a showcase for much of the world. In 2024, however, we have reached a nadir via Trump and his influence on American political and cultural life. The anti-elite mood of that nation now glorifies what is stupid, nasty, and brutish about the USA. Fascism is making a cyclical return to the political spectrum via the GOP in its current form. White supremacy and the shadow of America’s slaver past seems to be infecting the future of this once great country. Looking to America is fraught with illustrations of what is worst about humanity.

text - An Age Defined Economically
4 mins 6 mths

An Age Defined Economically

Supposedly we live in an age defined economically, where the dollar worth of everything matters most. Why then are our politicians and their strategists forever focusing attention upon cultural stuff? The war on woke, the attacks on LGBTQI folk, and the endless anti-elite ethos. Every politician and political party wants to stand with the ordinary voter, apparently. Finger pointing at those categorised as elite reinvokes the old class warfare it seems. We the people vs those individuals too superior to represent our interests. These are all manipulations and part and parcel of the politics of grievance.

us a flag during daytime
1 8 mins 6 mths

America’s Orange Jesus Has Clay Feet

The expression feet of clay is meant to indicate the flawed earthly nature of man. Donald J Trump has always been a most unlikely candidate for saviour and champion of any group. White America and Christian Nationalists have got behind the former president as their guy they are hoping to put back in the White House. Trump is facing multiple criminal and civil indictments in courts across the country. Only the most partisan and cultish among his supporters could fail to recognise the writing on the wall when it comes to Trump’s likely fate. It tells us that America’s orange Jesus has clay feet.

person wearing suit reading business newspaper
6 mins 6 mths

Surely It’s Time To Stop All Mergers!

In Australia, we live in one of the most concentrated corporate markets in the world. In every sector duopolies and oligopolies control markets to the detriment of competition and consumers. Surely it’s time to stop all  mergers. Mergers benefit companies and shareholders at the expense of the market. Productivity is not improved via this concentration of corporate control over markets. This can be observed via the evidence, as the concentration of market power into the hands of fewer businesses has accompanied years of falling productivity. If companies don’t need to compete for market share they do not innovate and improve productivity rates.

Donald Trump beside man in black suit
1 6 mins 6 mths

In A Culture Of Complaint They Developed The Politics Of Grievance

America has made its bed and now it has to lie in it. A while ago, expert political strategists worked out that voters engage more fully with the democratic electoral system on an emotive level than a mere rational one. Therefore, they made negative attack ads which painted their candidate’s political opponents as demons. These campaign strategists formulated speeches and oped content full of emotive finger pointing about stuff upsetting sections of the electorate. In a culture of complaint they developed the politics of grievance. This has now culminated with presidential candidate Trump, who lights the bonfire of hate every time he opens his mouth to speak.

white and brown concrete house near green trees during daytime
6 mins 6 mths

Australia Wasting Its Money & Future On Housing Market

Australians spend most of their money and time buying and selling property to the tune of $400 billion every year. That is not making anything new or manufacturing useful things for the world. The Great Australian Dream is home ownership and that has become a very expensive obsession for most of us. What it does do is make our banks very rich and provides real estate agents and state governments with their fair share too. Australia wasting its money and future on housing market is a troubling indicator of where we are as a nation.

white wooden fence on green grass field
6 mins 7 mths

American Movies Celebrating Guns

They say that you can tell a lot about a nation/culture by the kind of movies that comes out of that country. Well, American movies are by and large full of guns and really stupid characters doing dumb things. Films and popular culture are a mirror held up to that nation. No wonder democracy is reputedly on its last legs in the US of A. The greater mass of American movies are dire tripe. The screenplays of many of them must have been written by 13 year old’s with foetal alcohol syndrome (with apologies to 13 YO’s). The plot, characterisation, and dialogue are so putrid that turning them off is the only option. American movies celebrating guns says a lot about the culture. Amazon, as a streaming service, must have the worst selection of American films I have witnessed in a long time. Dumb and dumber must be their mission statement or cheap and cheaper perhaps.

President Donald Trump
7 mins 7 mths

Trump Banned From Presidential Ballot In Colorado

The state supreme court in Colorado has declared Donald J Trump unfit to be on the ballot for the 2024 presidential race in that state. Many of us who have been following the Trump vs democracy saga would say – about bloody time! How can you have a candidate vying for the presidency who continually casts doubt upon the veracity of the electoral system? A man who promulgates ‘the big lie’ that he was robbed of victory in the 2020 election. This is despite numerous private and judicial enquiries into election fraud finding nothing that merits this erroneous belief. Even the investigator paid by Trump’s own legal team has come out and said he found nothing.

5 mins 7 mths

The ABC Has Lost Its Way After A Decade Of Coalition Bullying

My late mother loved the ABC. She was a big fan of Philip Adams: and attended the Save Our ABC rallies back in the day. I wonder what she would make of the shallow rendition of the national broadcaster today. The ABC has lost its way after a decade of Coalition bullying. Budgets were slashed and repeated threats were made to the management about apparent bias. There was no bias, it was just the journalists and presenters standing up to the government and holding them accountable.