content marketing for E-Commerce
4 mins 2 yrs

Content Marketing For E- Commerce

Content marketing for E- Commerce is an essential part of the package. Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content with the goal of attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience. It is a way to establish credibility, build brand awareness, and drive qualified traffic to your website.

a man with headphones on sitting in front of a camera
1 7 mins 2 mths

Channel 7 Champions Misogyny & Misery

The culture wars can be divided down the gender divide in Australia. It is white men versus the world of women. Kerry Stokes sits atop his pile and directs his media shock troops to beat up on the hopes of his female employees. Four Corners exposed the facts that Channel 7 champions misogyny and misery. Then, they buy their silence with NDAs. Who else is famous for NDAs? Oh yeah, the convicted celebrity rapist Harvey Weinstein. Perhaps, Harvey is a hero of the upper management at Seven West Media. I mean, let’s look at the evidence.

Culture Fresh Politics
a group of people holding signs and flags
2 4 mins 8 mths

Trump Ascended To The Highest Office In The Land

Donald Trump has just been fined $354 million for fraudulently lying about his assets and business worth when getting loans from commercial banks. Despite a history of very dodgy behaviour Trump ascended to the highest office in the land. Yes, he is an officer of the United States of America. Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, thanks to property developer dad Fred Trump. He is not a self-made man or the second coming of anything worth waiting for. It seems in America the only law with any real teeth is that of money and civil suits.

Fresh Politics

New Content

Words For Web SEO Content Marketing
4 mins 2 yrs

Women Are Better With Words

The fact that women are better with words will come as no surprise to many. The female of our species seems to be hardwired to communicate more effectively than the male. The male is a simpler beast tasked by evolution with muscles to provide security like the nightclub bouncer. Men will get their point across by speaking louder and imbuing their delivery with more force. Despite women clearly outpointing men via their communication skills they have been consigned to lesser roles on the basis of might being right. Leadership has traditionally been the domain of those victors in combat.

AFL Ruckman Brodie Grundy Was Made For The Bloods
6 mins 8 mths

AFL Ruckman Brodie Grundy Was Made For The Bloods

Over 40, 000 AFL fans packed the SCG for the Sydney Swans vs Melbourne Demons opening round of the 2024 season. What were the main takeaways from this novel opening match. AFL ruckman Brodie Grundy was made for the Bloods and played with real heart and soul to get them over the line. He nullified Max Gawn as the game went on and put in a massive last quarter to turn the tide the Swans way. Grundy had 22 disposals, 15 contested, 9 clearances, 6 tackles, 4 marks and 31 hit outs. Sydney defeated Melbourne 12.14 to 9.10. The Demons had outscored the Swans in the third term to threaten their chances of victory.

religious concert performed by a band on stage
2 17 mins 8 mths

Love Is Not A Bank Loan: The Myths of Money And God

Most people refrain from delving too deeply into history. Some, especially the young, are too busy making their own history or trying to anyway. However, our lives are built on assumptions and often these are the assumptions of others who have gone before us. Yuval Harari calls them myths, the myths that we live by. There are myths which give our lives meaning – the myths of money and of God. Many of us work the live long day in the pursuit of money. Some of us believe in a supernatural, invisible entity that lies at the centre of our universe. What if both of these things have no real tangible substance and are, rather, myths that we live by?

4 mins 8 mths

The ABC Has Lost Its Independent Voice

There have been a number of disturbing incidents recently, which highlight the demise of our national broadcaster’s once fearless presence. The ABC has lost its independent voice. These include ABC presenters parroting editorial positions from the Murdoch press. In several of these cases the facts at the heart of the matter were not only borrowed but wrong. In what universe do we want the ABC quoting the editorial right wing bias of The Australian when questioning interviewees. Michael Rowland was guilty of this when putting questions to the PM Anthony Albanese about health funds.

stainless steel spiral bulb wire
4 mins 8 mths

Racist Coalition Weaponizing Immigration

Peter Dutton and the Coalition have been whipping up fear among Australians. Racist Coalition weaponizing immigration by accusing the government of releasing dangerous detainees into the community. It was in actual fact the High Court of Australia that ordered these men who had served their sentences must be released. The frenzy over their release into the community has culminated with Victoria Police wrongly arresting one of the released detainees for sex crimes. Mistaken identity or just white folk paranoia pointing the finger at any Arab looking character? Dog whistling Dutton does not care what damage he causes to people’s lives. Politics is everything to the very rich landlord Dutton and his party of shrill acolytes.

us a flag during daytime
5 mins 8 mths

US Supreme Court Slow Walks Trump Immunity Claim Appeal & Stay

SCOTUS has virtually guaranteed that Donald Trump will not be tried prior to the Presidential election of 2024. US Supreme Court slow walks Trump immunity claim appeal and stay from prosecution. By deciding to take the case it has undermined the unanimous denial of trump’s claims by the federal court of appeals. The stacking of SCOTUS with conservative GOP aligned justices by Trump is obviously paying benefits. The legal rule of law was really the last hope for America in holding Donald Trump accountable for attempts to subvert the Constitution in 2020. The US is now an international disgrace and no longer can be considered a leading democratic nation.

woman lying on bed with gray blanket
1 4 mins 8 mths

Druggy Demons In AFL Spotlight

Those demon drugs are plaguing another AFL club it seems. Recreational drugs are the bane of professional sporting organisations, as highly paid players with too much time on their hands fall prey to addictive pursuits. Druggy Demons in AFL spotlight, with one player already suspended and a  dark cloud over other high profile Melbourne FC players.

Scott Morrison Bragged About Being A Robodebt Welfare Cop
1 13 mins 8 mths

Counting Up The Cost Of Coalition Governments

Looking back on recent federal governments in Australia is very revealing. Counting up the cost of Coalition governments to ordinary citizens is somewhat shocking. Peter Dutton and the Coalition government awarded a $400 million contract to a company registered at a beach shack on Kangaroo Island – Paladin. This shady entity had no previous experience running offshore detention centres and the Richardson enquiry revealed a dodgy provenance. Further companies  engaged by the Coalition to run these refugee lockups on islands have been exposed to have links to drug dealers and arms running. Much of this happened on Peter Dutton’s watch as Home Affairs minister. Dutton talks tough to the media on border security but his track record is another matter altogether. Dirty deeds done really bloody expensively by shady organisations – would be a fair assessment.

a brown wooden cross - The Christian March To Power In America
8 mins 8 mths

The Christian March To Power In America

It seemingly began with groups of Christians claiming that they were under attack from a progressive liberal America. They wanted the right to discriminate against individuals on the basis of their sexual preference. All these human rights coming into law, often at the behest of the United Nations and their treaties, were, apparently, threatening the basis of fundamental religious instruction in schools and churches. Now, we are seeing the Christian march to power in America. They have their immoral leader Donald J Trump promising them a new land with authoritarian laws amended to fit their way of life.

100 banknote lot - More Corrupt & Incompetent Government Behaviour From Morrison’s Coalition
11 mins 8 mths

Is It Fair For Australian Corporations To Make Record Profits During A Cost Of Living Crisis?

The Australian economic landscape has seen a succession of Australian corporations declaring record profits. The big insurers were the latest, joining the banks, the supermarket duopoly, the airlines, and a host of miners and fossil fuel companies in achieving record profits. Is it fair for Australian corporations to make record profits during a cost of living crisis? Many ordinary citizens are struggling to afford to put food on the table and meet their rent or mortgage payments. High inflation in the local economy has been the given reason but analysis by pundits has revealed that many companies have been price gouging on the back of a lack of competition in the market. This means these companies can set the price and consumers are bereft of power in the equation.

a group of people holding signs and flags
2 4 mins 8 mths

Trump Ascended To The Highest Office In The Land

Donald Trump has just been fined $354 million for fraudulently lying about his assets and business worth when getting loans from commercial banks. Despite a history of very dodgy behaviour Trump ascended to the highest office in the land. Yes, he is an officer of the United States of America. Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, thanks to property developer dad Fred Trump. He is not a self-made man or the second coming of anything worth waiting for. It seems in America the only law with any real teeth is that of money and civil suits.