House Therapy book cover
3 mins 3 yrs

Conversion Optimisation

There are more than a billion websites globally and the vast majority of them are without a sale to their name. I don’t know about you but that strikes me as kind of sad. It speaks of misfiring strategies and misapplied capitol. It sings a song of failure and the herd mentality of human beings. We like to focus on the success stories in life, especially in the study of marketing. The poor conversion optimisation exponent is like the guy or gal who cannot get to first base. It tells a story of the loneliness of the loser.

Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians
5 mins 2 yrs

Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians

The Coalition had run a narrative about Australian dole bludgers and welfare cheats for decades. It was part of the right wing playbook of creating villains for the electorate to focus their frustrations and hate upon. The enemy is all those Aussies gaming the system and not doing their fair share. Robodebt was their policy initiative to clean up Dodge, as welfare cops on the beat clawing back billions for the budget. Robodebt abuse was built on Coalition lies to Australians. Scott Morrison was in such a hurry that he didn’t want to waste time on dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s when it came to the legality of the scheme. Kathryn Campbell, the public servant responsible in Human Services, would make the bullets for Sheriff Morrison to fire at the legion of welfare cheats downunder. A lot of paper shuffling went on between senior bureaucrats in the social security and human services departments. Pleasing the boss was paramount bin the minds of these highly paid functionaries.

woman in white long sleeve shirt and white cap
4 mins 1 yr

Australian Police: Take Their Guns Away

In Queensland, yet another Indigenous Australian man is shot dead by police. 6 police officers could not restrain an angry young man with a knife without shooting him dead. The training around guns is so bad that we should follow the British example and only have specialist units armed with deadly force. Australian police: Take their guns away to save lives. Police should not be called out to domestic violence situations, as they too often make things much worse. Police officers in states around Australia fail to talk offenders down and disarm them. Their presence actually escalates the problems and results in the unnecessary use of deadly force.


New Content

5 mins 11 mths

Australian Political Leaders Have A Pretty Poor Track Record

First up I want to say that I am a big fan of Anthony Albanese and support his having a go at getting the Voice referendum over the line. It was brave and hopefully not stupid. Australian political leaders have a pretty poor track record when it comes to doing anything about Aboriginal recognition, reconciliation, and treaty. Bob Hawke squibbed it. Peter Dutton’s decision to oppose the Voice and turn it into a political battle destroyed any hope we had to constitutionally recognise First Nations people in Australia. Non-partisan politics does not exist in this nation when it comes to Indigenous Affairs.

Aboriginal land rights protest people gathering on street during daytime
6 mins 12 mths

Injustice Makes Me Angry

Injustice makes me angry! What about you? Do you get stirred up by it or do you simply shrug your shoulders fatalistically? This sense of the unfairness of injustice has waxed and waned over the various stages of my life. Keenly felt in my youth, somewhat disenfranchised during my working life, and returning with a vengeance now. We live in an age of disinformation and deflection by design. In the era of social media, gossip is given more credence because it is written down for public record. The digital world defines and details every piece of crap that comes out of human beings.

people standing on street during daytime
14 mins 12 mths

Important Shit They Didn’t Teach Me At School

Education is, as we all know, a vital component in our lives. They do not call them our formative years for nothing. Yet, there are many things, those in charge of teaching, do not include in our learnings. The state or a particular religious organisation are most usually involved in defining the taught curriculum. Somehow, I find, there is always important shit they didn’t teach me at school. Stuff that they left out for reasons unbeknown to me but of which I am now willing to speculate upon. I have extended my research beyond just my own school days to include the experiences of others from different eras.

4 mins 12 mths

Pezzullo Pissing In Political Pockets

Michael Pezzullo, according to 60 Minutes, has been revealed as a Machiavellian character operating inside the halls of power in Canberra. Pezzullo pissing in political pockets in search of influence is operating well outside the remit of a member of the public service. The expose by Nine Fairfax investigative reporters shows him to be a right wing power broker rather than an apolitical appointment. The Home Affairs Secretary in his clandestine relationship with Liberal Party insider Scott Briggs has crossed the line repeatedly and consistently over many years. The trove of once encrypted messages now revealed should ring the death knell for his career.

people walking on side walk
4 mins 12 mths

Heavy Victorian Bias In AFL Final’s Commentary

As an interstate viewer watching and listening to the heavy Victorian bias in AFL final’s commentary this year it felt like the VFL. The Melbournian centric focus expressed by the many ex-player commentators was in top gear throughout the finals. These blokes were jumping on the Carlton bandwagon and were fully paid up members of the Magpie army. It is only to be expected when their bread and butter comes from this huge market in terms of paying gigs and such like, I suppose. It does make one wonder, however, whether this truly is a national competition or just the VFL with a few add-ons.

two blue and black Halifax Cash Machines
8 mins 1 yr

Do Banks Love Scammers?

Banks make lots of money because they have utilised digitisation to streamline their operations. Which in plain speak means they have sacked all their workers and machines do all the work. That automation, however, makes their services vulnerable to scammers who get hold of the pass codes. Do banks love scammers? There are no human gatekeepers to stop the flow of money from one account to another. The banks make their money from countless small fees charged on transactions and accounts. They make their money just as easily from the scammer’s account as they do from yours or mine.

Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians
10 mins 1 yr

Only 1 In 6 Aussies Interact With An Indigenous Australian

The numbers don’t lie but rather tell the real story of an already divided country. These conservative white politicians going around warning of the divisive potentialities of the Voice to Parliament are full of the proverbial. The fact that only 1 in 6 Aussies interact with an Indigenous Australian means that most of us don’t really know an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. We live largely separate lives and only hear about them in the news. We have no idea what it is like to walk in their shoes. Therefore, the calls to vote No are misguided because the status quo is not alright for the majority of First Nations Australians.

a plane on the runway
9 mins 1 yr

Australians Are Really Dumb

Australians are really dumb if you go by their behaviour over the last 20 years. They have bought the whole anti-union narrative spruiked by conservative politicians like John Howard, Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and their ilk. These guys demonised and attempted to criminalise unionists and their ALP mates. The whole anti-Bill Shorten campaign painted Bill as some union crook – for which there was no real evidence. Despite this voters bought it hook, line and sinker. Now, we are where we find ourselves with record low wage growth over decades. Unions stripped of power by laws. Labour hire companies ripping off workers. Workers with bugger all rights. Big companies lording it over little workers with no bargaining power.

Collingwood fans boo Buddy Franklin at the MCG
5 mins 1 yr

Sydney Swan’s Takeaways & Future Requirements For 2024

Once again poor kicking for goal cost the Swans in their ultimate match of 2023. A tremendous effort by the Bloods, especially in the second half, but they left themselves with too much work to do. Inaccurate kicking for goals is not just down to bad luck – it is a lot to do with not coping with the pressure of the moment. Too many senior Swan’s players did not take their chances when it mattered most in big games. This was a common theme throughout season 2023, unfortunately. Sydney Swan’s takeaways and future requirements from this edition and for 2024.

it is not easy being black
6 mins 1 yr

It Is Not Easy Being Black

Indigenous Australians make up just under 4% of the population; and right now they are in the national spotlight. The coming October 14th referendum about amending the Australian  Constitution to recognise First Nation’s peoples and the creation of an advisory voice to parliament on issues directly effecting them has thrust many into uncomfortable places. Not everyone feels at home being a spokesperson for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs. In light of this, it is not easy being black right now.

top view photo of houses
10 mins 1 yr

Australia’s Housing Crisis Is Not New

The housing crisis we are currently experiencing here in Australia, with rents going through the roof and a shortage of rental stocks, seems to be something terrible and uncharacteristic of the nation but it isn’t. Australia’s housing crisis is not new, in fact, it is a well-trodden path that we appear to traverse quite regularly. History tells us that housing has been a persistent problem upon our fatal shores for as long as white settlement has been around. There have been peaks and troughs but a shortage of housing stock has been the constant over hundreds of years. Therefore, the federal government’s identification of the cause may not be reason enough to hold out hope for any quick solution to this perennial issue.