Donald Trump with horns wall mural
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Donald Trump is a bully. The bully America elected as President. A whole lot of fearful Americans want Trump to play the strongman. The Republican party has demonised scapegoats so that Trump can bully them. Illegal immigrants, who are most often desperate vulnerable people, have been painted as violent criminals. This political pantomime with ICE agents rounding up dark skinned women, children and men will cost lives. Ethnic cleansing is the pursuit of fascist regimes. The richest country in the world is savagely stripping away social services for poor people. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, is attacking the poorest people in America and globally. He is denigrating them and the civil servants who work with them. Demonising  prior to purging.

man in black suit jacket with red heart on his neck

Trump Bullying Ukraine

Donald Trump is bullying Volodymir Zelenskyy and attacking Ukraine, which is the victim of Russian aggression. WTF? On what moral basis does the hegemonic superpower blame the victim instead of the perpetrator Putin? Trump’s America is joining the axis of evil. International opprobrium is loud and getting louder. The democratic world has been fighting for Ukraine for 3 years against illegal Russian aggression. If Donald Trump is the Christian champion of America in what Bible story does the innocent little guy get blamed and shamed by God? It must be a new Trump USA edition.

silver fish on brown wooden stick

American Demagogue Bully & His Scapegoats

Most of Trump’s MAGA supporters are well fed white Americans. These folk have been encouraged by GOP political hacks and the right wing media to get to the front of the victim queue. What about me? Is their favourite refrain. Trump’s billionaire backers have bought their trillion dollar tax cuts and it will be the stripping of government services which will be paying for them. Plus, Trump’s tariffs, which the American public will be paying on all their purchases for food, cars, and goods from Mexico and Canada to the tune of 25%. Get ready for more high inflation folks! Biden beat it back with the Fed but Trump is going to crash the economy into a recession. Hey, but you voted for him.  Cheap Chinese goods? Not anymore, please add 20% on those prices. Who pays the price? The American people!

a crowd of people holding up signs in the air

America Home To The Sexual Predator

“FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Influencer brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, who are charged with human trafficking in Romania, arrived Thursday in the U.S. after authorities lifted travel restrictions on the siblings, who have millions of online followers.”

Trump’s America welcomes the Tate bros – giving sanctuary to sexual traffickers. Trump’s America is part of the axis of evil. In contrast illegal immigrant families looking for a better life are being mercilessly booted out of America by Trump’s ICE. Of course, Donald Trump is a sexual predator himself and long standing friend to the late Jeffrey Epstein.

man with kanji text bicep tattoos wearing black hoodie and blue denim bottoms

The price of these culture wars will be steep. You want to turn back time to when white men pissed on everybody else? When women were essentially vessels for sexual gratification and did all the work around the home and family? When non-whites knew their place at the bottom of the heap? When you didn’t see all these unnatural faces on your TV screen? Make America great again Mister Trump! The bully America elected President is having a red hot go at doing just that. No one in Trump 2.0 has really thought about the consequences of all this slashing and illegal activity. Everything has its price. Just wait and see.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.


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