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They say that you can tell a lot about a nation/culture by the kind of movies that come out of that country. Well, American movies are by and large full of guns and really stupid characters doing dumb things. Films and popular culture are a mirror held up to that nation. No wonder democracy is reputedly on its last legs in the US of A. The greater mass of American movies are dire tripe. The screenplays of many of them must have been written by 13 year old’s with foetal alcohol syndrome (with apologies to 13 YO’s). The plot, characterisation, and dialogue are so putrid that turning them off is the only option. American movies celebrating guns says a lot about the culture. Amazon, as a streaming service, must have the worst selection of American films I have witnessed in a long time.

Dumb and dumber must be their mission statement or cheap and cheaper perhaps.

black assault rifle on brown wooden log

Stop Watching American Movies With Guns In Them

I have a suggestion for every person who abhors the gun deaths and massacres occurring weekly in the US. Make a New Year’s resolution in 2024 to switch off every movie with a gun in it. Make a commitment to not support guns and gun violence by cancelling your participation in watching movies that celebrate guns. Hollywood is the biggest supporter of guns in America via their continual making of guns into stars in their product. Imagine if all right thinking citizens voted with their feet in terms of not watching films with guns in them. Pretty soon the producers and screen writers would have to change their movie making formulars to reflect what the public will watch.

black and silver semi automatic pistol

Give Guns The Flick In 2024

Movies featuring guns that kill people are the stars of most American movies today. Actors pretending to be characters in a story pick up guns and shoot extras and stuntmen in movies. The human brain processes these things as pretty real and has visceral responses to the things it sees on the screen. Kids watching these movies get all excited and wound up by the violence portrayed on screen. Hollywood has been making these dumb films for decades. They call them action movies. The characters don’t think much in these films, they act with their guns in hand spraying bullets left, right and centre. Car chases and gun fight scenes are the bread and butter of action movies. Dumb sensory shit sending dumb messages about dumb behaviour. Killing someone with a gun is not a heroic act. Guns and bombs are really for cowards. It is using machines, devices, and technology to do your fighting for you.

Real courage uses no weapons. Real smarts utilises conflict management skills. Hollywood movies don’t celebrate these things. Their superficial concerns are all about entertainment via pyrotechnics and loud explosions. Movies and popular culture are mirrors, however, to the society they reflect.

black and white wooden wall mounted signage

America has no standards and they call this freedom.

What’s that quote? “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

The entertainment business in the US is awash with simulated violence and gun deaths. This is the mirror being held up to the American people. American movies celebrating guns are singing the death song of this once hopeful nation. Do yourself a favour and turn off the gun filled movies from your screens. Take a stand in 2024 and raise your own standards.

These dumb films are damaging your psyche and perpetuating the myth of guns as solutions to problems. Guns only make things worse. Guns and bombs are for cowards.

“In the wake of the mass shooting in Uvalde and far too many more, Hollywood veterans have circulated an open letter calling on Hollywood to be part of the solution, not the problem. The letter suggests being “mindful of on-screen gun violence and model gun safety best practices,” showing on-screen gun users locking guns correctly and making them inaccessible to children, limiting the ways they’re used on screen, and exploring alternatives.

The initiative was led by activists Robert Bowers Disney and Christy Callahan, who is co-chair for the advocacy group Brady United Against Gun Violence. Disney, the group’s national organizing director, told me that modeling good on-screen behavior around guns can have a much bigger impact than one might think and that social activists have had success with storytellers rethinking how they depict other social issues in the past.”

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  


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