5 tips for inner peace from the Stoic Golfer
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We all want to be free of torturous desires and anxieties that unsettle our lives. Here are 5 tips for inner peace and tranquility from the Stoic Golfer. One of the core beliefs of Stoicism is that individuals have little control over external events, but they have complete control over their own thoughts and reactions to those events. The Stoics emphasized the importance of accepting what is beyond our control and focusing instead on developing our own character and inner peace.

book cover of The Stoic Golfer: Finding Inner Peace & Focus on the Fairway

Tip No 1 For Finding Inner Peace

Turn your focus around 180 degrees from out there to within. The answers to your quest for happiness will not be found out there, rather it will revealed by seeking within. Marcus Aurelius tells us In his book, “Meditations,” – live in harmony with the universe by following the principles of wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation, and by using reason to guide your thoughts and actions. Marcus reflects on the Stoic principles and provides guidance on how to live a virtuous and fulfilling life. He writes about the importance of accepting what is beyond our control, cultivating inner peace, and performing our duties in life with integrity and wisdom.

Stop looking for short cuts and hacks in everything – the whole concept of giving less and expecting more is wrong. You are not gaming the system by this approach you are gaming yourself and your own integrity.

Tip 2 To Discover Tranquility

You are not your feelings! The Stoics believed that emotions such as fear, anger, and desire could cloud our judgement and lead us away from the path of wisdom and virtuous living. They taught that individuals could achieve tranquility and inner peace by understanding the nature of the universe, accepting the inevitable, and practicing self-control and restraint in their thoughts and actions. Your emotional reactions to things that happen in your life and on the golf course are not who you are.

Tip 3

You are not alone; we are all connected to the life around us. Stoicism holds a universal ethical code, based on the principles of natural law and the common good. Everything you do impacts upon your family, friends, community, and eco system. It is not all about you, as many people think. Children have this me-centric attitude as part of their early years, but grow-up and out of it in the natural evolution of things.

Tip 4

Live life joyously in the here and now! Stoic Joy: A Stoic rejoices in the present moment and finds joy in living a virtuous life, regardless of external circumstances. When you strip away all the stuff from your life. Ditch the desires for endless material things. Discard the wants for this and that. Stop craving for substances to fill up your life. You will find that simply being alive can be a beautiful experience – not all the time, of course. Constant happiness is a furphy, another illusory desire. Allow yourself to be free enough of fear and desire to be joyous in the here and now.

Tip 5

Play it as it lies! Acceptance: Stoicism advocates accepting everything that happens, including both good and bad, as a natural part of life. The fundamental credo in golf is – ‘play it as it lies.’ Therefore, stop wasting time and energy complaining about stuff. Accept what you cannot change and make the best of it. Stoics rise above their circumstances via their character and commitment to virtuousness. The power is within and not from without. Only victims give away their power to outside agencies. Tranquility and inner peace are available once you have regained control of your emotional responses to events in your life. Resilience comes to those who grasp this mantle in their lives.

Wisdom from The Stoic Golfer: Finding Inner Peace & Focus on the Fairway by Robert Sudha Hamilton

Available at Amazon

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