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Michael Pezzullo, according to 60 Minutes, has been revealed as a Machiavellian character operating inside the halls of power in Canberra. Pezzullo pissing in political pockets in search of influence is operating well outside the remit of a member of the public service. The expose by Nine Fairfax investigative reporters shows him to be a right wing power broker rather than an apolitical appointment. The Home Affairs Secretary in his clandestine relationship with Liberal Party insider Scott Briggs has crossed the line repeatedly and consistently over many years. The trove of once encrypted messages now revealed should ring the death knell on his career.

“The Age and 60 Minutes first revealed the series of texts between Pezzullo and Liberal powerbroker, Scott Briggs, in which the home affairs secretary disparaged senior Coalition ministers and advocated for a right winger to be minister responsible for his department. In a statement on Monday, the home affairs minister, Clare O’Neil, said: “I am aware of reporting regarding communications between Mr Michael Pezzullo and Mr Scott Briggs.” “

Coalition Responsible For Consulting Crisis - Liberal PMs Australia
Neoliberal champions who led us where we find ourselves – ripped off by our own economy!

Michael Pezzullo’s Text Messages Reveal Political Power Plays

The stench coming from Pezzullo’s promptings and covert campaigning within the Turnbull/Morrison Coalition government is pungent. This is another light on a very bad government. The disgraceful Robodebt debacle. Scott Morrison secretly making himself the Minister for everything. Sports rorts. Rape and sexual abuse allegations in parliament. The PwC tax scandal. The bodies are mounting up like our SAS unlawful killings in Afghanistan. Many of the bad actors like Stuart Robert, Alan Tudge, Marise Payne and Chistian Porter have already left the building.

Scott Morrison Bragged About Being A Robodebt Welfare Cop

Public Servants Behaving Badly Under Morrison

As an observer of the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison federal governments It is hard not to see it as a low watermark in recent Australian political history. A time where self-interest and aggrandisement were modelled and encouraged by the leaders of the day. A decade where the entrenched wealthy become much richer at the expense of fairness and equality within Australia. The Liberal Party  lost its way under the aegis of the leering Tony Abbott and the lying Scott Morrison. Morality and transparency became opaque. Jobs for the boys and a public service aggressively brown nosing its way to fulsome pay packets.

Robodebt would cost tax payers $1.8 billion and several vulnerable Australians would lose their lives. Half a million Australians were wrongly accused of owing large amounts of money to Centrelink. The senior public servants in these departments were an absolute disgrace and should be prosecuted.

Peter Dutton
People like this man!

Pezzullo Built His Home Affair’s Fiefdom

Michael Pezzullo lobbied for and created the Home Affairs department. He would become king of this castle under the Coalition. Pezzullo seemingly adored Dutton, during his time as the minister in charge. Pezzullo had a penchant for strong right wing types, it appears. He wanted Peter Dutton to replace Turnbull as PM, but settled for Scomo instead. He lobbied Scott Briggs tirelessly for what he wanted and there must have been plenty of back scratching in return – it would be interesting to examine his actions in light of this. This could well be a plumb case for the NACC. Corruption and inappropriate behaviours in the halls of power must be properly addressed in Australia. For too long we have been a bad joke in this regard.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.


Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom

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