a sign on the side of a wall that says a culture of narciss
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Conservative politicians and their backers are inviting Australians to embrace their worst selves. Peter Dutton in his successful campaign to defeat the Indigenous Voice referendum has galvanised the downward envy gripping this nation. Too cheap and nasty to do the right thing and redress the constitutional wrongs which have defined this country the Australian people have let themselves down. Expediency always costs much more in the long run. The limited vision expounded by the No campaign and Dutton will come back to bite us on the bum make no mistake. Denying recognition and a say about the things that impact their own lives is a serious slap in the face for First Nations people.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

White Australia Defining An Acceptable Australian Identity

In reality, the majority of voting age Australians are saying to Aboriginal people you cannot have any meaningful identity outside of the Australianness we define for you. No division. The Voice referendum, according to Peter Dutton, was a divisive force for Australia. I think they call that assimilation. This selfish attitude displayed by the 60+% of Australian who voted No is gob smackingly callow. If you don’t know vote No – I think Ray Martin summed that up best. A conservative businessman named Simon Fenwick, who made his fortune in the US, funded the No campaign in large parts.

Whitestone Strategy and Advance Australia brought some Trumpian and Brexit backroom campaigning to the referendum. The strategic influencing of voters via data analysis and social media marketing.

Australian News Media Embracing Another Negative Aboriginal Story

Do you know what I think was one of the most influential things in the whole referendum? The constant negative polling. Newspoll was a major player in this of course. With the majority of white Australia not caring too much about the Voice, the most prominent thing that made the nightly news was the slipping support for the Voice. This was a constant giving of permission for white Australia to reject the Voice, because if others were doing it – it must be alright to do so. The corporate media in Australia is controlled largely by Murdoch’s News Corp and Nine Fairfax – and reporting negatively on polling became an echo chamber of doom and gloom. I wonder if Whitestone Strategic was involved in that.

The Australian media have a long tradition of running negative Aboriginal stories and wouldn’t need much encouragement on that score.

Peter Dutton

White Australia Worrying Only About Itself!

Aussies are doing it tough in some quarters following a period of high inflation and rising interest rates. Rents are sky high and there is a dire shortage of housing full stop. We have been encouraged by our political leaders to feel sorry for ourselves. Things are pretty bad in one of the wealthiest nations on earth. It is perfectly understandable that we would embrace the worst versions of ourselves. Turning off the compassion tap and shutting out anything that might take away the focus from our own rich vein of self-pity and concern. That we would buy into the fear mongering and disinformation spread about by Peter Dutton and Advance Australia. Abo’s will take your home and property. The Voice is a big new tax. The United Nations are gonna take over Australia. The BS ran thick and the lies were everywhere on Facebook and other social media. Misinformation creates uncertainty and that feeds insecurities. Negative campaigns are always more effective in politics and the LNP made sure the Voice was labelled an Albanese ALP initiative. Tony Abbott was even the spokesman for Advance Australia, you know that pollie we booted out electorally sometime back.

Talk about playing politics with the lives of Indigenous Australians. No shame on that side, as was and is their attitude to climate change and global warming. The Coalition fiddles while Australia burns, with apologies to the Emperor Nero.

red and white airplane behind a black hatchback
Qantas flying off with your money

Inviting Australians to embrace their worst selves – is all in the remit of these right wing warriors and their unabated lust for political power. Dirty deeds done with hedge fund dollars.

“Former fund manager Simon Fenwick has become one of the biggest backers of the No campaign on the Indigenous Voice to parliament, matching $250,000 in donations in a new push by activist group Advance. Already a major backer of the conservative political group, the co-founder of the multibillion-dollar US-based International Value Advisors donated $1 million to Advance in 2020 over concerns about COVID-19 restrictions, growing Chinese interference in Australia and corporate hypocrisy on social values.”

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 


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