Donald Trump beside man in black suit
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If 40% of the American voting age population actually support Donald Trump and intend to vote for him in the coming presidential election what criteria are they basing that on? Donald Trump, in his first administration, fired most of those individuals he chose to work closely with.

“Trump’s White House has had the highest turnover of senior-level staff of the past five presidents, according to figures compiled by the Brookings Institution think tank.”

“There is a long list of one-time allies and aides who have either turned against former President Donald Trump or whom he has turned against.

No person in US politics – certainly no recent president – has such an expansive list of high-profile allies turned enemies.”

President Trump Postlaunch Remarks (NHQ202005300082) - Donald Trump in his first administration
President Trump Postlaunch Remarks (NHQ202005300082) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Trump Failed To Work With His Appointees

In government, as in business, you have to work with other people to get things done. You cannot do it on your own or you get next to nothing done, which is a fair reflection of Trump’s first administration. Are American’s so stupid, as to how government functions, that they do not realise that electing someone who cannot get along with others is condemning their nation to further instability and civil unrest. You cannot bully your way through the experience of governing, as you will soon run out of people who can actually do the job. Americans may believe in the power of the individual but no individual can effectively run a country containing 333 million people. Toxic management may work in a fake reality TV show but not in the real world. However, do Americans know what the real world is?

First Time Around Trump Fired His Friends & Allies

Courting grievance is no basis upon which to run a country. Folk in rural red states may feel that they have not been heard enough but a regime based on punishing city folk and liberals is not going to make anything great. You cannot turn the clock back to yesteryear; no matter who promises you that. The world keeps on turning and humanity has to adapt to the demands of the future. Donald Trump burns people and unrealistically demands personal loyalty to him above that of duty to country. This is not how government and the public service works. People who work for the government serve their nation first and foremost. The President of the United States is not a mob boss. You don’t get to enrich yourself at the expense of others in the role of POTUS. You are not there to scam money and cream deals off the top. No, you are in that role to serve the best interests of the nation. I am not sure where those who support Trump have lost their sense of the importance of integrity or whether they never had that in the first place. The latter position, if true, is much more worrying for America and humanity at large.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics on

Team Trump Was A Disaster in 2016-20

To use the analogy of a football team, you cannot have a coach who can’t get along with the players and the other support staff. Donald Trump sacked and had so many staff resign on his watch that America slumped into the Covid pandemic like a football team at the bottom of the ladder. America lost its international standing in the eyes of its allies. Wooden spooners in the governing stakes nearly a million Americans lost their lives to Covid in the richest nation on earth. The world was gob smacked at its inept performance at keeping its citizens safe and alive.

Trump Taking America To The Brink

Any sane person with a basic understanding of how government functions could not appoint Trump as CEO again. Not unless you have a death wish or something. Not unless your own grievance is so great that you will happily see your country go to hell in a hand basket. If the nation is so split then let it be called the Disunited States of America. Perhaps, to avert civil war 2.0 a partition could be arranged like the bloody one experienced by a divided India after independence from the British. Cut the country in half and have the white Christian Nationalists on one side and the multiracial democracy in the other. More than 600, 000 Americans died as a result of the fighting in the Civil War of 1861-65. Imagine the butcher’s bill in 2024-25 if a gunned up America went to war with itself once again. Backing a deranged and irresponsible leader like Trump will have its cost and the collateral damage could be catastrophic.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.


Civil War Abraham Lincoln said:
Civil War Abraham Lincoln said: by The Metropolitan Museum of Art is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

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