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Nick McKenzie and The Age have revealed more corrupt and incompetent government behaviour from Morrison’s Coalition. Home Affairs during the Coalition’s recent time in office were paying massive amounts of money to companies running the offshore detention facilities in places like Manus Island. It has now been revealed that these corporations and their directors were involved in bribery of foreign governments and drug and arms running. Peter Dutton was the Home Affairs Minister for much of this time. The amounts of money involved in these contracts were in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Billions being spent on what were really political beat ups and that money was going to highly questionable people and their companies.

“The inquiry was launched last year after revelations by this masthead and 60 Minutes about millions of dollars in suspect Home Affairs payments to allegedly corrupt firms and foreign officials as part of the Pacific Solution policy.”

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Parliament house was a dangerous place for women with all those pissed politicians & staffers wandering about.

Corrupt Offshore Detention Dealings By The Coalition

Australians have footed the bill for overpayments in the hundreds of millions of dollars and which have paid for luxury super yachts and mansions in Bali. You cannot feel sorry for the majority of us who bought hook line and sinker the racist, fear mongering garbage  coming out of the Coalition and Labor regarding boat people and refugees. The fact that we have paid billions of dollars to torture refugees and refuse them access to Australia is probably just desserts for our appalling behaviour. You get the governments you deserve. There are very few Australians who don’t have the taint of shame about them when it comes to these policies enacted over many years. That we have all been screwed by these dodgy dealings of the Morrison, Abbott, and Turnbull LNP governments is karmically understandable.

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Dirty Deeds Done & Overlooked By AFP

Apparently, the AFP were aware of an investigation into one of these dodgy firms and their director and they did nothing to inform Home Affairs. This casts a corrupt light on the AFP and deserves an independent investigation into their involvement. Billions of dollars were at stake in these contracts and this reeks of possible corrupt behaviour by individuals within these bodies. Locking up vulnerable people and throwing away the key pays very well in Australia. Demonising refugees and making them the bad guys has been a vote winner for Aussie political parties for decades.

The racist heart of Australia beats passionately about keeping the nation pure from unwanted folk with the wrong colour skin.

Peter Dutton is a very wealthy man, apparently, worth some $300 million.

Stay tuned for more on this emerging story and its consequences for those involved.


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Clio was the ancient Greek muse of history. so we all thought that she would be an appropriate entity to run this site.
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