us a flag during daytime
1 8 mins 7 mths

America’s Orange Jesus Has Clay Feet

The expression feet of clay is meant to indicate the flawed earthly nature of man. Donald J Trump has always been a most unlikely candidate for saviour and champion of any group. White America and Christian Nationalists have got behind the former president as their guy they are hoping to put back in the White House. Trump is facing multiple criminal and civil indictments in courts across the country. Only the most partisan and cultish among his supporters could fail to recognise the writing on the wall when it comes to Trump’s likely fate. It tells us that America’s orange Jesus has clay feet.

Culture Economics Fresh Politics
blue and white happy birthday to you printed bottle
6 mins 10 mths

Failures Of The Neoliberal Order

You know, one of the most fundamental failures of the neoliberal order over the last few decades has been its decimation of wage growth in Western economies. Not paying high enough wages to the world’s biggest consumers has hamstrung productivity in America. The US economy has been stuck in third gear for 20 plus years or more. All those smart cookies who thought it was a brilliant idea to move manufacturing offshore to developing countries, where they could pay workers peanuts, didn’t factor in the whole picture. Yes, production was much cheaper, but the impact on wages in America meant that consumers couldn’t afford to buy as much stuff.

Economics Fresh

New Content

a sign on the side of a wall that says a culture of narciss
6 mins 11 mths

Inviting Australians To Embrace Their Worst Selves

Conservative politicians and their backers are inviting Australians to embrace their worst selves. Peter Dutton in his successful campaign to defeat the Indigenous Voice referendum has galvanised the downward envy gripping this nation. Too cheap and nasty to do the right thing and redress the constitutional wrongs which have defined this country the Australian people have let themselves down. Expediency always costs much more in the long run. The limited vision expounded by the No campaign and Dutton will come back to bite us on the bum make no mistake. Denying recognition and a say about the things that impact their own lives is a serious slap in the face for First Nations people.

Google search engine matters
4 mins 2 yrs

Google Search Engine Matters

Google is the world’s largest search engine, with a market share of over 90% in some countries. As such, it plays a significant role in shaping the online landscape and has a massive impact on SEO (search engine optimization). Google search engine matters more than any other single element in the whole digital marketing spectrum.

Fantasist George Santos Elected To Congress
6 mins 2 yrs

Fantasist George Santos Elected To Congress

Trump has spawned the fantasist George Santos elected to congress in the US. Congressman elect George Santos of the New York district has lied about who is on his official CV. Santos claimed to have worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and this is a lie. George Santos put down on his resume that he received a degree from Baruch College and this is a bald faced untruth too. He put down stuff about running an animal rescue charity of which there is no record. Santos claimed to be Ukrainian and Jewish – both of which are further fabrications.

Queensland police less than honest
4 mins 2 yrs

Queensland Police Less Than Honest

More information is being revealed about the dreadful police shooting in Wieambilla. It seems a case of Queensland police less than honest in their communication with the community re-Nathaniel Train. The ABC has reported that the younger Train brother was reported to QLD police for illegally crossing the state border from NSW and suspicious activity during the Covid lockdowns in 2021. A local resident witnessed Nathaniel Train dumping stuff into the river from his vehicle after attempting to cross the river during flooding. He reported this illegal crossing to police in QLD. These were loaded weapons, as they were found by locals later. Police were informed and collected the weapons.

the role of religion in terrorism and acts of violence
7 mins 2 yrs

The Role Of Religion In Terrorism & Acts Of Violence

The recent police shootings in Queensland has turned the spotlight on the role of religion in terrorism and acts of violence. The Train brothers at the centre of this mass murder were brought up by an evangelical father. The Trains made a YouTube video around the time of the police shootings telling the world that they had killed the demons and devils who had invaded their property (this video has been taken down by the police). This was a reference to the 2 young police officers who were murdered by the trio of armed Queenslanders. Thankfully, 2 more young police officers were able to survive this act of domestic terrorism.

Billionaires and oligarchs Trump tower
13 mins 2 yrs

Billionaires & Oligarchs: Our Relationship

We live in a materialistic age and under the auspices of the capitalist system. Billionaires and oligarchs: Our relationship to them must be examined. Billionaires have been seen as the apotheosis of our economic societies. The general public in western democracies have looked upon these very wealthy people as winners and something to aspire to. In America, individuals like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have been held up as examples of real success. At the same time, America and Australia have become much less equitable nations in terms of the distribution of wealth amongst their populations. There are more billionaires but the percentage of shared wealth has become far more skewed in favour of rich elites.

dreadful police shooting in Queensland
6 mins 2 yrs

Dreadful Police Shooting in Queensland

Why were 4 young police officers sent out on a missing person’s enquiry to a property in Wieambilla? Is it usual to send out so many police on a basic property check to find out if this person is present? Police are saying that they are now investigating whether the missing person’s report was a gambit to lure police to the property in order to kill them. Queensland Police are saying that it was a request from the NSW Police. This is, obviously, a terrible tragedy for the families and loved ones of all those who have lost their lives in this dreadful police shooting in Queensland.

being fleeced by big business
5 mins 2 yrs

Why Do We Unquestioningly Accept Being Fleeced By Big Business?

Here in Australia and in America the energy companies are taking us all for a very expensive ride. Why do we unquestioningly accept being fleeced by big business? Gas and oil prices have gone through the roof and then some over the last 12 months. Yes, we have heard the excuses about the war in Ukraine but come on these companies are making record profits in the trillions and hundreds of billions of dollars. Inflation is at 7.2% in Australia, as of November 2022, and the Reserve Bank tips it to reach 8% by the end of the year. The cost of living for essential items like energy and food have gone up substantially. The RBA is rising interest rates to dampen demand within the economy.

4 mins 2 yrs

Bribie Island Businesses: SEO and Content Marketing Services

Bribie Island is a popular tourist destination and home to many lovers of its great lifestyle. This island retreat, just north of Brisbane, combines relaxed living with 4WD adventures and beautiful beaches. Bribie Island businesses: SEO and content marketing can help spread the good news about this accessible paradise. If your digital presence is less than ideal or waning, we can assist you with optimising the situation. Words For Web is all about helping our clients reach their full potential via connecting with the market. Websites and social media work best when fed with fresh content, which targets what your customers are searching for on Google.